Impact of background on color, transmittance, and fluorescence of leucite based ceramics
Caroline Freitas Rafael,Jan-Frederik Güth,Ana Elisa Colle Kauling,Paulo Francisco Cesar,Claudia Angelo Mazieiro Volpato,Anja Liebermann
Abstract:This study evaluated the impact of tooth shade on differences in color (∆E), lightness (∆L), chromaticity coordinates a*/b* (∆a and ∆b), transmittance and the degree of fluorescence of CAD/CAM leucite based ceramic (LBC). Ten disks were fabricated of LBC; Empress CAD, A2, thickness of 1.5 mm and eight disks of resin-nano-ceramic (RNC; Lava Ultimate) in different colors to simulate variations in substrate shade. The associations of LBC disks with different color substrates were analyzed with a spectrophotometer; ∆E, ∆L*, ∆a*, ∆b*, and transmittance were measured and calculated. Fluorescence was evaluated with a fluorescence system (Fluorescence System, Biopdi). All substrate shades influenced the optical properties of LBC, with regard to color, luminosity, coordinate a* and b*, transmittance, and fluorescence (p<0.001). Substrate colors with high saturation (A3.5 and C2) presented highest impact, whereas colors with lowest saturations (BL, B1) showed less impact. Substrate color influenced the optical properties of ceramic restorations.