Study on Production Economy of Food Safety:A Research Worth Concern Field
YANG Wan-jiang
Abstract:Ever since 1990s,food safety economy abroad has become a new economic science and is maturing steadily.Compared with relative mature research of food safety consumption economy,the research of food safety production economy has also developed remarkably,forming an important branch in the research area of food safety economy.The research of food safety production economy abroad has developed significantly in the following three respects.1.Food safety production is of obvious economy nature.Food safety refers to such features as food hygiene and food nutrition,ensuring that food safety covers the entire farm-to-table process and the whole supply chain.Many countries lay emphasis on establishing food safety control system that can be traced from the consumer terminal to the production source of the farm.Production is the base.The economy of safety production can be evaluated by the relation between production defective rate and the cost.Enterprise produces quality products at the lowest cost possible.2.Economic analysis of food safety production.(1) The research of food safety production abroad focuses more on food producers,government administration and its' relation,such as economics of food safety regulation,food safety policy options and efficiency,traceability economics,analysis of behavior and factors of safety food production.(2) Three basic principles for the analysis of food safety production economy.a.Search goods,experience goods and credence goods,but the credence goods for foods.b.Asymmetry and imperfection of food safety information,including asymmetric imperfect information and symmetric imperfect information according to consumer and manufacturer's perceive level of production information and information acquisition of both sides.c.Quality different goods provided by manufacturer according to the consumer's needs for foods.(3) Production economy method and industry economy theory can be adopted in the research of food safety production,especially in establishing food safety production function and model by the means of econometrics on the assumption that enterprise has quality control technology either input-output separability or nonjointness in inputs.3.No such thing as free safe lunch.Some countries have already adopted compulsory principle of HACCP to enhance safe control on food production.Government and scholars have attached great importance to experience analysis of regulation economy of food safety.A lot of research results have showed no such thing as free safe lunch,but the overall social welfare will be improved although there are additional cost put into practice of HACCP.The price of safer food can be appropriately raised,using the pricing system of high-quality and high-price for safety food in the market mechanism,so that enterprise will provide more safety foods for public.The research of food safety economy abroad has been advancing greatly,and China has just started its academic research in this field.Food safety production economy is a research worth concern.China should attach importance to the research of food safety production economy to catch up with the academic research in the field abroad and to better serve the establishment of China food safety control system.