Abstract:We develop a theory for interlayer tunneling in van der Waals heterostructures driven under a strong electromagnetic field, using graphene/{\it h}-BN/graphene as a paradigmatic example. Our theory predicts that strong anti-resonances appear at bias voltage values equal to an integer multiple of the light frequency. These features are found to originate from photon-assisted resonant tunneling transitions between Floquet sidebands of different graphene layers, and are unique to two-band systems due to the interplay of both intraband and interband tunneling transitions. Our results point to the possibility of tunneling localization in van der Waals heterostructures using strong electromagnetic fields.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: under the drive of a strong electromagnetic field, the regulation problem of the inter - layer tunneling current in van der Waals heterostructures (vdWHs). Specifically, the author studied the photon - induced inter - layer tunneling suppression phenomenon, that is, when the bias voltage is equal to an integer multiple of the photon energy, the tunneling current shows a significant suppression effect.
### Research Background
Van der Waals heterostructures are nanoscale structures formed by vertically stacking different two - dimensional materials, with unique electronic properties and potential application prospects. In such structures, vertical tunneling transmission exhibits excellent current - voltage characteristics. However, how to use an external electromagnetic field to modulate these tunneling processes is still an under - explored area.
### Main Problems
1. **Photon - Assisted Tunneling (PAT)**: When light is incident on the tunneling junction, electrons exchange photons with the electromagnetic field, resulting in inelastic tunneling transitions. This phenomenon was first predicted by Tien and Gordon in the superconductor - insulator - superconductor tunneling junction and has been studied in various systems.
2. **Suppression of Tunneling Dynamics**: Under the action of a strong electromagnetic field, tunneling dynamics can be significantly affected. In particular, under certain conditions, the tunneling current will be strongly suppressed. This phenomenon is called dynamic localization, which occurs when the light - coupling parameter matches the zero point of the Bessel function.
3. **A New Type of Tunneling Localization Effect**: The author proposed a new tunneling localization effect, that is, the photon - assisted resonant tunneling process will lead to a drastic suppression of the inter - layer tunneling current when the bias voltage is an integer multiple of the photon energy.
### Specific Research Contents
- **Model Construction**: Taking the graphene/h - BN/graphene sandwich structure as an example, the author established a theoretical model to describe the inter - layer tunneling. Using the Keldysh - Floquet Green's function formalism, the PAT current formula in the non - equilibrium state was derived.
- **Tunneling Hamiltonian**: The non - perturbative effect of the optical field on the tunneling Hamiltonian was considered, and an effective photon - modified inter - layer tunneling Hamiltonian was introduced.
- **Numerical Calculation and Analysis**: Through numerical simulation, it was verified that at a specific bias voltage (that is, an integer multiple of the photon energy), the tunneling current indeed showed a significant suppression phenomenon. This suppression effect is related to photon - assisted resonant tunneling and is manifested as a periodic anti - resonance feature.
### Conclusions
This study reveals that a strong electromagnetic field can be used as a new degree of freedom to modulate the tunneling dynamics in van der Waals heterostructures. In particular, the tunneling current suppression phenomenon caused by photon - assisted resonant tunneling provides a theoretical basis and technical idea for the development of new optoelectronic devices based on two - dimensional materials.
### Summary of Mathematical Formulas
1. **Low - Energy Excitation Hamiltonian**:
h_{k\xi}^{T,B}=v\hbar(\xi k_x\sigma_x + k_y\sigma_y)+\frac{\Delta\sigma_z}{2}\pm\frac{eV I_2}{2}
where \(v\) is the Dirac velocity, \(\Delta\) is the band gap caused by the h - BN layer, \(e\) is the electron charge, and \(\{I_2,\sigma_x,\sigma_y,\sigma_z\}\) represent the unit matrix and Pauli matrices.
2. **Photon - Assisted Tunneling Current Formula**:
J_{\text{tun}} = -\frac{4e}{\hbar S}\sum_k\sum_{\xi\in\{+,-\}}\int_{-\hbar\Omega/2}^{\hbar\Omega/2}\frac{d\hbar\omega}{2\pi}\times\Re\left\{\text{Tr}\left[\hat{W}_{k\xi}^{TB}(\omega)\hat{G}_R^{k\xi T}(\omega)\hat{W}_{k\xi}^{TB}(\omega)\right]\right\}