Local complementation in Banach spaces and its preservation under free constructions
Antonio Avilés Gonzalo Martínez-Cervantes Abraham Rueda Zoca 1 Universidad de Murcia,Departamento de Matemáticas,Campus de Espinardo 30100,Murcia,Spain.2 Universidad de Murcia,Departamento de Matemáticas,Campus de Espinardo 30100,Murcia,Spain. E-Mail 3 Universidad de Granada,Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Análisis Matemático,18071 Granada,Spain. E-Mail abrahamrueda@ugr.es
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2989/16073606.2024.2393682
Quaestiones Mathematicae
Abstract:In this work we consider natural generalizations of local complementation in Banach spaces, which include Lipschitz-local complementation. We show that all these notions are indeed equivalent to the classical notion of local complementation of Banach spaces. As an application, we show that local complementation is naturally preserved under certain free constructions in Functional Analysis, including Lipschitz-free spaces and free Banach lattices.