Equations of curves with minimal discriminant

Rachel Shaska
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1407.7064
Abstract:In this paper we give an algorithm of how to determine a Weierstrass equation with minimal discriminant for superelliptic curves generalizing work of Tate for elliptic curves and Liu for genus 2 curves.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to find the Weierstrass equation with the minimum discriminant for superelliptic curves. Specifically, the author Rachel Shaska aims to generalize Tate's work on elliptic curves and Liu's work on genus 2 curves to provide an algorithm for determining the minimum discriminant of superelliptic curves of any genus \( g \geq 2 \). ### Background and Problem Description 1. **The Case of Elliptic Curves**: - For elliptic curves (genus \( g = 1 \)), Tate [3] proposed an algorithm to determine the Weierstrass equation with the minimum discriminant. This was part of his research on Neron models. - The discriminant is an important invariant used to measure the singularity of a curve. For elliptic curves, there is an extensive theory to define and calculate the minimum discriminant. 2. **The Case of Higher - Genus Curves**: - For superelliptic curves of higher genus (genus \( g \geq 2 \)), the definition and calculation of the discriminant become more complicated. - The main goal of the paper is to generalize Tate's work to all superelliptic curves and provide a general - purpose algorithm to calculate the minimum discriminant of these curves. ### Research Content and Methods - **Basic Definitions and Properties**: - The paper first defines superelliptic curves of genus \( g \geq 2 \) and discusses the relationship between their isomorphism classes and binary forms. - It introduces the discriminant of binary forms and their transformation properties, especially the change rules under the action of the GL(2, k) group. - **Local and Global Discriminants**: - The minimum discriminant is defined on local fields and generalized to global fields. - For an algebraic number field \( K \), the global minimum discriminant is defined as the product of all local minimum discriminants. - **Algorithm Design**: - Based on the above theory, an algorithm is proposed to calculate the minimum discriminant of superelliptic curves. - This algorithm minimizes the valuation of the discriminant by choosing appropriate coordinate transformations to ensure that the resulting equation has the minimum discriminant. ### Main Results - **Theorem 2**: For a superelliptic curve \( X \) of genus \( g \geq 2 \) defined on an algebraic number field \( K \), and a \( K \)-rational point \( P \), the global minimum discriminant \( \Delta_{X,P} \in O_K \) of the pair \((X, P)\) is unique (up to multiplication by units). Moreover, there is a corresponding minimum Weierstrass equation. In summary, this paper solves the problem of how to find the Weierstrass equation with the minimum discriminant for any superelliptic curve of genus \( g \geq 2 \) and provides a detailed algorithm to achieve this goal.