Minimal torsion curves in geometric isogeny classes

Abbey Bourdon,Nina Ryalls,Lori D. Watson
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce the study of minimal torsion curves within a fixed geometric isogeny class. For a $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$-isogeny class $\mathcal{E}$ of elliptic curves and $N \in \mathbb{Z}^+$, we wish to determine the least degree of a point on the modular curve $X_1(N)$ associated to any $E \in \mathcal{E}$. In the present work, we consider the cases where $\mathcal{E}$ is rational, i.e., contains an elliptic curve with rational $j$-invariant, or where $\mathcal{E}$ consists of elliptic curves with complex multiplication (CM). If $N=\ell^k$ is a power of a single prime, we give a complete characterization upon restricting to points of odd degree, and also in the case where $\mathcal{E}$ is CM. We include various partial results in the more general setting.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: in a fixed geometric isogeny class, determine the points of the minimum degree on the modular curve \(X_1(N)\) related to elliptic curves. Specifically, for an elliptic curve in a rational \(Q\)-isogeny class \(E\) and a positive integer \(N\), the author hopes to determine the points of the minimum degree on \(X_1(N)\) related to \(E\), and find out which elliptic curves in this isogeny class reach the points of the minimum degree. ### Main problems 1. **Minimum degree problem**: - For a given positive integer \(N\), what are the points of the minimum degree on \(X_1(N)\) related to \(E\)? 2. **Minimum torsion curve**: - Which elliptic curves in \(E\) reach the points of the minimum degree on \(X_1(N)\)? ### Research background - The torsion subgroup of an elliptic curve is finite under the Mordell - Weil theorem. - Previous studies have explored the variation of the torsion subgroup in an \(F\)-rational isogeny class. - This paper studies the torsion points of elliptic curves in a fixed geometric isogeny class. ### Specific contributions - The paper introduces the concept of "minimum torsion curve", that is, the elliptic curve that reaches the points of the minimum degree on \(X_1(N)\) in a given geometric isogeny class. - The author considers two special cases: elliptic curves with rational \(j\)-invariants and elliptic curves with complex multiplication (CM). - For the case where the power is a single prime number, a complete characterization of odd - degree points is given. - Some partial results are provided, including CM classes and other more general cases. ### Key conclusions - **Non - CM case**: - For odd - degree points, specific minimum - degree conditions are given. - Previous results are strengthened and the best possible divisibility conditions are provided. - **CM case**: - Specific results on the points of the minimum degree related to CM elliptic curves are given. - If the prime number \(\ell\) splits in the imaginary quadratic field \(K\), then the elliptic curve with CM is the minimum torsion curve. ### Methodology - Use Galois representation theory and the properties of modular curves to derive the lower bounds of the points of the minimum degree. - Verify the optimality of these lower bounds by constructing specific examples. - Utilize existing classification results (such as the work of Rouse and Zureick - Brown) to analyze the images of \(\ell\)-adic Galois representations. ### Applications - This research is helpful for understanding the Serre uniformity problem [8, Theorem 1.2]. - The results are of great significance for the study of the arithmetic properties of elliptic curves and modular forms. In conclusion, the main goal of this paper is to reveal the torsion subgroup structure of elliptic curves in geometric isogeny classes and their related properties by studying the points of the minimum degree of elliptic curves on the modular curve \(X_1(N)\).