Abstract: We show that there exists a choice of gauge in which the electromagnetic 4-potential may be written as the difference of two 4-velocity vector fields describing the motion of a two-component space-filling relativistic fluid. Maxwell's equations are satisfied immediately, while the Lorentz force equation follows from the interactions of sources and sinks. The usual electromagnetic quantities then admit new interpretations as functions of the local 4-velocities. Electromagnetic waves are found to be described by oscillations of the underlying medium which can therefore be identified with the `luminiferous aether'. The formulation of electrodynamics in terms of 4-velocities is more general than that of the standard 4-potential in that it also allows for a classical description of a large class of vacuum energy configurations. Treated as a self-gravitating fluid, the model can be explicitly identified with Nelson's stochastic formulation of quantum mechanics, making it a promising candidate as the classical field theory unifying gravitation, electromagnetism and quantum theory which Einstein had sought.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: whether classical electrodynamics can be explained through an underlying medium described by relativistic fluid motion, thereby providing a physical medium (similar to the past concept of "ether") for the propagation of electromagnetic waves. Specifically, the author attempts to prove that Maxwell's equations and the Lorentz force equation can be naturally derived from the motion of this fluid, and this description may be more universal than traditional field theory. In addition, the author also explores the connection between this model and Nelson's stochastic quantum mechanics, as well as its potential in unifying gravitation, electromagnetism, and quantum theory.
### Main problems
1. **Explanation of the underlying medium of the electromagnetic field**:
- The author attempts to re - interpret electromagnetic phenomena by introducing a two - component relativistic fluid. These two components correspond to the distributions of positive and negative charges respectively.
- The electromagnetic 4 - potential is expressed as the difference between two 4 - velocity fields, that is, \( A^\mu = k(u_+^\mu - u_-^\mu) \), where \( u_+^\mu \) and \( u_-^\mu \) are the 4 - velocity fields of the positive and negative fluids respectively.
2. **Derivation of Maxwell's equations**:
- The author shows how to directly derive Maxwell's equations from the perspective of this fluid motion. The electromagnetic field tensor \( F^{\mu\nu} \) is defined as \( F^{\mu\nu} = \partial^\mu A^\nu - \partial^\nu A^\mu \), and satisfies the Jacobi identity \( F^{\mu\nu,\lambda} + F^{\nu\lambda,\mu} + F^{\lambda\mu,\nu} = 0 \), which is exactly the homogeneous Maxwell's equations in covariant form.
- The current 4 - vector \( J^\mu \) is defined as the 4 - divergence of the electromagnetic field tensor \( J^\mu=\frac{c}{4\pi} F^{\mu\nu}_{,\nu} \), which is the covariant form of the inhomogeneous Maxwell's equations.
3. **Derivation of the Lorentz force equation**:
- The Lorentz force equation \( \frac{dV^\mu}{d\tau}=\frac{Q}{M} F^{\mu\nu} V_\nu \) is interpreted as the result of the interaction between sources and sinks in the fluid.
- The author derives the averaged Lorentz force equation by considering the motion of a single charged particle in the comoving reference frame.
4. **Connection with stochastic quantum mechanics**:
- The author points out that this relativistic fluid model can establish an explicit connection with Nelson's stochastic quantum mechanics, in which the Schrödinger wave function is interpreted as the fluid density.
- This connection implies a possible classical field theory framework that can unify gravitation, electromagnetism, and quantum theory.
5. **Potential explanation of dark matter**:
- There are inherent degrees of freedom in the 4 - velocity description, and these degrees of freedom may correspond to the classical description of "dark matter", that is, a self - gravitating fluid composed of a large number of discrete particles.
### Conclusion
The author successfully shows that all equations of classical electrodynamics can be derived from the motion of relativistic fluids, which not only provides a new perspective for understanding electromagnetic phenomena, but also makes it possible to further explore the unification of classical field theory and quantum mechanics. In addition, the model proposed by the author can also explain some unresolved problems, such as the existence and properties of dark matter.