Abstract: We illustrate the causal perturbation and causal renormalization method (the Epstein-Glaser method) for the case of the supersymmetric Wess-Zumino model. Our study is based on the Hilbert space structure of the N=1 superspace.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
This paper attempts to solve two main problems:
1. **When does the surjective property of a Galois mapping imply that it is bijective?**
- The paper explores under what conditions, if the Galois mapping \(\beta\) is surjective, then it must be bijective. Specifically, when the Galois mapping \(\beta\) of the Hopf algebra \(H\) is surjective, whether it can be deduced that it is bijective and that \(A\) is relatively projective as a \(B\)-module.
2. **What are the general conclusions regarding the module structure of \(A\) over \(B\) or the comodule structure of \(A\) over \(H\)?**
- The paper studies the structural properties of \(A\) as a \(B\)-module or an \(H\)-comodule in more general extension cases. In particular, when \(A\) is an \(H\)-Galois extension, whether it has certain good module structure or comodule structure properties.
### Specific Background and Problem Description
The specific background mentioned in the paper is as follows:
- Let \(H\) be a Hopf algebra over a commutative base ring \(k\), and let \(A\) be a right \(H\)-comodule algebra with comodule structure \(\delta: A\rightarrow A\otimes H\), where \(\delta(a) = a^{(0)}\otimes a^{(1)}\).
- Define \(B := A^{coH}=\{b\in A\mid\delta(b) = b\otimes 1\}\) as the subalgebra of coinvariant elements.
- \(A\) is called an \(H\)-Galois extension if the Galois mapping
\beta: A\otimes_B A\rightarrow A\otimes H,\quad x\otimes y\mapsto xy^{(0)}\otimes y^{(1)}
is bijective.
### Key Problems
1. **Does surjectivity imply bijectivity?**
- The article, through a series of theorems and lemmas, explores under what conditions the surjective property can lead to the bijective property. For example, the Kreimer - Takeuchi theorem states that if \(H\) is finitely generated projective, then the surjective property does imply the bijective property.
2. **Properties of Module and Comodule Structures**
- The article also studies the structural properties of \(A\) as a \(B\)-module or an \(H\)-comodule. In particular, the article proves that under certain conditions, \(A\) is a relatively projective \(B\)-module, and the module structure and comodule structure of \(A\) have some good properties.
### Applications and Generalizations
The article is not limited to the classical \(H\)-Galois extensions, but also generalizes to more general \(Q\)-Galois extensions and Coalgebra Galois extensions, and discusses similar conclusions in these cases. In addition, the article introduces the concept of an entwining structure and uses this framework to further generalize the relevant results.
In summary, this paper aims to deeply explore the properties of generalized Hopf Galois extensions and provides a series of new conclusions and proof methods, especially in the study of surjective properties and module structures.