Stability and efficiency of a CMOS sensor as detector of low energy β and γ particles
F. Collamati,R. Amoruso,L. Servoli,L. Alunni Solestizi,M. Biasini,V. Bocci,C. Campeggi,P. De Maria,M. De Simoni,M. Fischetti,G. Franciosini,K. Kanxheri,C. Mancini Terracciano,F. Meddi,M. Movileanu Ionica,S. Morganti,R. Mirabelli,E. Solfaroli Camillocci,Á. Tóth,R. Faccini
Journal of Instrumentation
Abstract:Radio Guided Surgery (RGS) is a nuclear medicine technique allowing the surgeon to identify tumor residuals in real time with a millimetric resolution, thanks to a radiopharmaceutical as tracer and a probe as detector. The use of β − emitters, instead of γ or β + , has been recently proposed with the aim to increase the technique sensitivity and reducing both the administered activity to the patient and the medical exposure. In this paper, the possibility to use the commercial CMOS Image Sensor MT9V115, originally designed for visible light imaging, as β − radiation detector RGS is discussed. Being crucial characteristics in a surgical environment, in particular its stability against time, operating temperature, integration time and gain has been studied on laboratory measurements. Moreover, a full Monte Carlo simulation of the detector has been developed. Its validation against experimental data allowed us to obtain efficiency curves for both β and γ particles, and also to evaluate the effect of the covering heavy resin protective layer that is present in the "off the shelf" detector. This study suggests that a dedicated CMOS Image Sensor (i.e. one produced without the covering protective layer) represents the ideal candidate detector for RGS, able to massively increase the amount of application cases and the efficacy of this technique.
instruments & instrumentation