E. Paul,R. Myers
Abstract:NITRATE ION ELECTRODE METHOD FOR SOIL NITRATE NITROGEN DETERMINATIOIT Routine analysis of soil No;-N is common in soils research and soil testing laboratories. Where leaching does not remove nitrate from the soil' for example. in the semiarid "r.^, 3f western Canada, the nitrogen soil test consists of 'rn."ruting soil No;-N conrenr by the phenoldisulfonic acid -techniqueThis techniq"u" ..quir.s erpensive reagents. and extracts must be filtered and evaporated i'o d.yn'"r, befoie reagents ?or color development can be added. The recently developed niirate ion electrod_e could. provide a suitable alternative technlque for'nitrate determination. It is claimed to be specific for the nitrate ion, and operates bv the development of a potential across a thin layer of water-immiscibft ion ."ch"ng.r. The apparatui consists of a nitrate i"1, "f*,r"J";, " ..f,"-"f reference ele5trode, ana i |H meter with an expanded millivolt scale. The technique is similar to pH measurement' soils were shaken with distilled water (1:5 or 1:10 soil-watel ratio) for 30 ;inApproximately 20 ml of supernatant were transferred to a 50-ml beaker. The electrod.r'.u.r. jmmersed. the mixture was stirred by a laboratory stirrer with a glass shafr and paddle( a magnetic stiffer gave. lcss,llliable results ) ' ,^J.n. por.,i,irl in millivofts read withi"n 15 to 30 sel. after drift had ceased. A calibration curve rvas obtained using standard nitrate solutions. The curve was prepared on semi-logarithmic papEr with electrode Pg'.t"t11 on the Iinear axis,^ani nitrate conceniratio., on^th. Iogarithmic axis (Fig. 1). The curve deviated from linearity belorv 0.5 ,rg N,/ml. Despite temPerature comPensation. some dav-to-daY'changes occurred in the standard curve' October 19681
Chemistry,Environmental Science
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