Study on Flow Structure and Heat Transfer Mechanism of Inclined Jet Impinging on the Rotating Cylindrical Target Surface in the Confined Space
Lei Shi,Xiaocheng Zhu,Zhaohui Du
Abstract:In the present study, a numerical investigation is carried out to furtherly understand the flow structure and heat transfer mechanism of a circumferential inclined circular air jet array impinging on a rotating cylindrical surface in the confined space. The rotational Reynolds number (Rer) varies from 0 to 525,575 and the jet Reynolds number (Rej) is ranging from 20,000 to 40,000, with three different jet angles (t9 = 20 & LCIRC;, 30 & LCIRC;, 45 & LCIRC;). The numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental data, which validates the reliability of the numerical simulation. The flow pattern criterion parameter (As), which is a combined parameter of jet Reynolds number and rotational Reynolds number, is defined to characterize the comprehensive influence of the jet entrainment effect and rotational entrainment effect. The flow pattern criterion parameter (As) can be well used to classify the flow pattern. For each jet angle, there are three different flow regimes in the confined space, including jet entrainment regime, co-dominated regime, and rotational entrainment regime. When the jet Reynolds number is fixed, for each jet angle, the area weighted average Nusselt number decreases gradually with the increase of AS within the range of AS corresponding to the rotational entrainment regime and the co-dominated regime. However, in the range of AS corresponding to the jet entrainment regime, the area weighted average Nusselt number decreases first and then increases with the increase of AS.