The loneliness experience of audiences when reading Can Xue's works from a perspective of literary perception
Nhung Nguyen Thi Hong
Journal of Science Social Science
Abstract:Can Xue is a famous female writer in Chinese contemporary literature, known as the "Kafka of Asia". Her works are loved by a worldwide audience, especially in Japan and many Western countries. Her work requires the reader's patience through experiencing different emotions and feelings in the lonely art world that she opens. It is a world whose center is the depth of self, and the “humanity” of man. And readers with different perceptions and attitudes of the post-modern era when entering that art world will certainly sympathize with the loneliness, loss, and disconnection of the characters. The loneliness appears as a constant in the lives of the characters while they cannot name their emotions to balance their own soul. Thereby, readers reflect on themselves in the real world, rebalance their bruised self, and aim to open up their soul towards Beauty and Goodness without compromising with the Bad, the Evil in the work. After the process of empathy, the lonely "self" is purified and awakened – the own worth is realized. Loneliness is an inevitable part of human nature. One should be content with the loneliness, be friends with one's "inner child", enrich one's self-worth to become a positive individual in the civilized community, to lead a healthy lifestyle of an adult in modern society.