On Uniqueness of a Solution to the Boundary Initial Value Problem
Vladimir V. Basov
Abstract:A first-order ordinary differential equation, solved with respect to
derivative, is considered. It's right-hand side is defined and continuous on
the set, consisting of a connected open subset of a two-dimensional Euclidean
space and a part of its boundary. In the papers, dated by 2020, problems
related to the existence or absence of the solution to the BIVP -- Initial
Value Problem set at the boundary point -- were researched using different
approaches. Such formulation of the Initial Value Problem is different from the
formulation, established in the classic theory, where it is set at an interior
point. This paper is devoted to solving problems related to uniqueness or
non-uniqueness of the BIVP solutions. New definitions, related to uniqueness,
absent in the formulation of the IIVP -- Initial Value Problem set at the
interior point of the equation's domain -- are introduced. The theorems about
the formal, local and global uniqueness of the BIVP solutions are proven. The
differences between BIVP and IIVP are shown. For example, non-equivalence of
the definitions of the formal, local and global uniqueness' for BIVP and IIVP
is demonstrated, This non-equivalence leads to the appearance of hidden
non-uniqueness points along with uniqueness and non-uniqueness points.
Suggested theory is supposed to fill in the blanks in an existing literature,
related to the problems of existence and uniqueness of the BIVP solutions.
Classical Analysis and ODEs