Diffusion Processes in the Formation of the Structure of Alloyed Powder Steels
M. S. Egorov,R. V. Egorova,Zh. V. Eremeeva
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23947/2541-9129-2024-8-2-78-89
Safety of technogenic and natural systems
Abstract:Introduction. The production of alloyed powder steels continues to be one of the most promising areas in domestic powder metallurgy. This is due to the high level of performance characteristics and the wide range of products that can be produced. Creating materials with desired properties is a complex process that involves various phenomena. One of these phenomena is the diffusion alloying of iron-based powder steels, which plays a special role in this process. The creation of alloyed powder steels in the Fe-NiO and Fe-Ni systems is important for metallurgy and metalworking, as they are used for coating and sintering to obtain materials with specific properties. In addition, the diffusion of nickel in iron during heat treatment is considered to improve material properties. Recent advances in the study of mutual diffusion are associated with the investigation of homogeneous systems. However, mutual diffusion even in single crystals always occurs under spatially inhomogeneous conditions. The modern literature has not sufficiently studied the mutual diffusion in two- and multi-component powder systems. Therefore, the aim of this work is to determine the effect of diffusion alloying with nickel and nickel oxide of iron-based powder steel on the processes of obtaining powder materials. Within the framework of this goal, the following tasks were set: to investigate the diffusion processes of interactions between pairs in the Fe-NiO and Fe-Ni systems, as well as to study technological modes of sintering and reducing annealing of samples in order to achieve maximum mechanical properties that would ensure the formation of a high-quality product. Materials and Methods. The work used iron powder of the PZHRV 2.200.26 brand manufactured by PJSC Severstal (Cherepovet) and carbonyl nickel powder PNK-UT3, obtained by the electrolytic method or splitting nickel salt with an aqueous solution, according to GOST 97922–97. Before use, the powders were tested using a universal laser particle size measuring device model FRITSCH ANALYSETTE 22 MicroTecplus and a Beckman COULTER No. 5 submicron particle analyzer. A two-cone mixer RT-NM05S (Taiwan) was used to prepare the charge. Pressing was carried out on a hydraulic press model TS0500–6 (China) in laboratory molds. Samples were obtained by pressing pre-hardened 3 mm diameter powder pins into a carbonyl nickel or NiO charge with a dispersion of 5–10 microns. Recovery annealing was carried out in a SNOL 6.7/1300 laboratory muffle furnace at 700°C, followed by annealing-sintering at temperatures of 1050, 1150 and 1250°C in a hydrogen atmosphere for 9 hours. Microstructural analysis was performed using a NEOPHOT-21 optical microscope. A Hitachi S-3400N scanning electron microscope was used to study the fine structure of the material. The distribution of element concentrations in the Fe-Ni diffusion zone was studied by local X-ray spectral analysis using the Kamebaks installation. Results. The studies showed that the porosity of the powder component after pressing was 12%. Diffusion in the iron-nickel powder system was 5–10 times higher when using carbonyl nickel compared to oxide. It was also found that high diffusion rates of reduced nickel led to faster and more uniform penetration of alloying elements into the material. The dependences of the distribution of nickel concentration and its oxide content after sintering were determined, as well as the indicators of diffusion interaction between iron, nickel, and nickel oxide during annealing, where nickel oxide was reduced and sintering occurred at different temperatures. Discussion and Conclusion. The analysis of the results obtained indicates a different intensity of diffusion processes in powder-alloyed steels. This can be explained by both the distortion of the crystal lattice of the starting materials and the increased segregation of defects, such as defective zones, that are formed during compaction of the material. This approach to studying two-component diffusion allowed us to compare the intensity of element diffusion redistribution depending on chemical composition and temperature, and to estimate the effective activation energy of diffusion. As a result of our studies, we have established quantitative parameters for the distribution of nickel concentration in the iron matrix, depending on sintering temperature, which affects the formation of high-quality materials. The research results obtained are of interest to specialists in powder metallurgy and heat treatment, as they can be used in the development of new multicomponent alloys.