Renal Denervation Induces Reverse‐Remodeling in MicroRNA: Just Blood Pressure Reduction or More?
S. Ewen,I. Zivanovic,F. Mahfoud
Abstract:Hypertension is a complex, multifactorial condition determined by an interplay of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. Increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system has been identified as a main contributor to the development and persistence of uncontrolled hypertension. Both high blood pressure (BP) and increased sympathetic activity can induce left ventricular hypertrophy and predict incident chronic heart failure. Cardiac fibrosis is the final pathway in the response to long-lasting pressure overload and represents a relevant cause of morbidity and mortality. Small noncoding RNAs (microRNA [miR]) control mRNA signaling at the level of posttranscriptional regulation. In hypertensive patients with myocardial hypertrophy, regulation of several miR is altered, as demonstrated in several animal models and recent clinical studies. miR133a, in particular, is enriched in cardiac and skeletal muscle cells and involved in cell differentiation and development. It is downregulated in uncontrolled hypertension in relation to left ventricular pressure overload and severity of myocardial hypertrophy. Conversely, normal or elevated miR-133a plasma levels have been attributed to beneficial reverse-remodeling processes and recovery in hypertrophic heart disease. In this issue of the Journal, D€ orr and colleagues investigated a set of 90 consecutive patients undergoing catheter-based renal denervation (RDN) using a singleelectrode radiofrequency catheter at two clinical centers in a nonrandomized, noncontrolled fashion. They documented a significant office systolic BP reduction by 21 mm Hg, which was associated with a sevenfold increase in the concentration of the circulating miR133a 6 months after the procedure. The authors conclude that their results provide relevant information on beneficial effects of RDN on cardiac recovery in patients at high risk for hypertrophic heart disease. Renal denervation represents a safe and minimally invasive treatment option for patients with uncontrolled hypertension by reducing renal and central sympathetic activity. The clinical evidence in support of RDN as a BP-reducing procedure, however, is conflicting. A number of observational studies and several randomized controlled trials (Symplicity HTN2, the Prague-15 trial, the RSD-LEIPZIG trial, and the DENERHTN trial) support the safety and efficacy of RDN; while some smaller studies and the single-blind, randomized, sham-controlled Symplicity HTN-3 trial failed to prove its superiority compared with sham treatment. The exact mechanisms by which RDN results in BP reductions are not yet fully established but may include a reduction in total peripheral resistance, reduced renin release, and favorable alterations of water and salt handling. It has been speculated that behavioral changes may cause or contribute to the BPlowering effect observed in RDN studies. Specifically, improvement in medication adherence and the Hawthorne effect could affect patients included in a clinical trial. Therefore, onemight speculate that patient’s healthcare behavior may change with the inclusion in a clinical trial, although a recent study indicates that patients rather decrease adherence to antihypertensive drugs following RDN. This potential bias, however, can only be addressed by properly designed, randomized controlled studies. It would have been interesting to investigate this observation and the underlying mechanism of miR increase following RDN further in order to extend the scope of the study. In principle, both the reduction of the sympathetic nervous system activity and the BP reduction per se might have contributed to the documented alterations in miR concentration. Unfortunately, the correlation of miR was solely based on office BP measurements. It is well-known that office BP measurements are less reproducible and relate to a greater extent to situationally evoked BP elevation (white-coat hypertension) than ambulatory BP measurements. Analysis of ambulatory BP changes would have strengthened the interesting key findings of the present study. Renal denervation has been shown to reduce left ventricular mass and improve diastolic dysfunction in certain patients with resistant hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy as assessed by echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. The patients included herein had a mean diastolic interventricular septum thickness of 13.4 1.8 mm and an E/E0 of 12.9 3.1. The authors were unable to prove an association between the observed increase in miRNA133a levels and structural or functional improvements assessed by brain natriuretic peptide concentration and echocardiographic parameters. Finally, while the present investigation enhances our knowledge about the potential impact of RDN in patients with uncontrolled hypertension, it also underlines the Address for correspondence: Sebastian Ewen, MD, Klinik f€ ur Innere Medizin III, Kardiologie, Angiologie und Internistische Intensivmedizin, Universit€ atsklinikum des Saarlandes, Kirrberger Str., Geb. 40, 66421 Homburg/Saar, Germany E-mail: