Measurement of the Photon Structure Function at High Q2 at LEP
M Acciarri,P Achard,O Adriani,M Aguilar-Benitez,J Alcaraz,G Alemanni,J Allaby,A Aloisio,MG Alviggi,G Ambrosi,H Anderhub,VP Andreev,T Angelescu,F Anselmo,A Arefiev,T Azemoon,T Aziz,P Bagnaia,A Bajo,L Baksay,A Balandras,S Banerjee,A Barczyk,R Barillere,L Barone,P Bartalini,M Basile,R Battiston,A Bay,F Becattini,U Becker,F Behner,L Bellucci,R Berbeco,J Berdugo,P Berges,B Bertucci,BL Betev,S Bhattacharya,M Biasini,A Biland,JJ Blaising,SC Blyth,GJ Bobbink,A Bohm,L Boldizsar,B Borgia,D Bourilkov,M Bourquin,S Braccini,JG Branson,V Brigljevic,F Brochu,A Buffini,A Buijs,JD Burger,WJ Burger,XD Cai,M Campanelli,M Capell,GC Romeo,G Carlino,AM Cartacci,J Casaus,G Castellini,F Cavallari,N Cavallo,C Cecchi,M Cerrada,F Cesaroni,M Chamizo,YH Chang,UK Chaturvedi,M Chemarin,A Chen,G Chen,GM Chen,HF Chen,HS Chen,G Chiefari,L Cifarelli,F Cindolo,C Civinini,I Clare,R Clare,G Coignet,AP Colijn,N Colino,S Costantini,F Cotorobai,B Cozzoni,B de la Cruz,A Csilling,S Cucciarelli,TS Dai,JA van Dalen,R D'Alessandro,R de Asmundis,P Deglon,A Degre,K Deiters,D della Volpe,P Denes,F DeNotaristefani,A De Salvo,M Diemoz,D van Dierendonck,F Di Lodovico,C Dionisi,M Dittmar,A Dominguez,A Doria,MT Dova,D Duchesneau,D Dufournaud,P Duinker,I Duran,H El Mamouni,A Engler,FJ Eppling,FC Erne,P Extermann,M Fabre,R Faccini,MA Falagan,S Falciano,A Favara,J Fay,O Fedin,M Felcini,T Ferguson,F Ferroni,H Fesefeldt,E Fiandrini,JH Field,F Filthaut,PH Fisher,I Fisk,G Forconi,L Fredj,K Freudenreich,C Furetta,Y Galaktionov,SN Ganguli,P Garcia-Abia,M Gataullin,SS Gau,S Gentile,N Gheordanescu,S Giagu,ZF Gong,G Grenier,O Grimm,MW Gruenewald,M Guida,R van Gulik,VK Gupta,A Gurtu,LJ Gutay,D Haas,A Hasan,D Hatzifotiadou,T Hebbeker,A Herve,P Hidas,J Hirschfelder,H Hofer,G Holzner,H Hoorani,SR Hou,Y Hu,I Iashvili,BN Jin,LW Jones,P de Jong,I Josa-Mutuberria,RA Khan,M Kaur,MN Kienzle-Focacci,D Kim,JK Kim,J Kirkby,D Kiss,W Kittel,A Klimentov,AC Konig,A Kopp,V Koutsenko,M Kraber,RW Kraemer,W Krenz,A Kruger,A Kunin,PL de Guevara,I Laktineh,G Landi,K Lassila-Perini,M Lebeau,A Lebedev,P Lebrun,P Lecomte,P Lecoq,P Le Coultre,HJ Lee,JM Le Goff,R Leiste,E Leonardi,P Levtchenko,C Li,S Likhoded,CH Lin,WT Lin,FL Linde,L Lista,ZA Liu,W Lohmann,E Longo,YS Lu,K Lubelsmeyer,C Luci,D Luckey,L Lugnier,L Luminari,W Lustermann,WG Ma,M Maity,L Malgeri,A Malinin,C Mana,D Mangeol,J Mans,P Marchesini,G Marian,JP Martin,F Marzano,GGG Massaro,K Mazumdar,RR McNeil,S Mele,L Merola,M Meschini,WJ Metzger,M von der Mey,A Mihul,H Milcent,G Mirabelli,J Mnich,GB Mohanty,P Molnar,B Monteleoni,T Moulik,GS Muanza,F Muheim,AJM Muijs,M Musy,M Napolitano,F Nessi-Tedaldi,H Newman,T Niessen,A Nisati,H Nowak,G Organtini,A Oulianov,C Palomares,D Pandoulas,S Paoletti,P Paolucci,R Paramatti,HK Park,IH Park,G Pascale,G Passaleva,S Patricelli,T Paul,M Pauluzzi,C Paus,F Pauss,M Pedace,S Pensotti,D Perret-Gallix,B Petersen,D Piccolo,F Pierella,M Pieri,PA Piroue,E Pistolesi,V Plyaskin,M Pohl,V Pojidaev,H Postema,J Pothier,N Produit,DO Prokofiev,D Prokofiev,J Quartieri,G Rahal-Callot,MA Rahaman,P Raics,N Raja,R Ramelli,PG Rancoita,A Raspereza,G Raven,P Razis,D Ren,M Rescigno,S Reucroft,T van Rhee,S Riemann,K Riles,A Robohm,J Rodin,BP Roe,L Romero,A Rosca,S Rosier-Lees,JA Rubio,D Ruschmeier,H Rykaczewski,S Saremi,S Sarkar,J Salicio,E Sanchez,MP Sanders,ME Sarakinos,C Schafer,V Schegelsky,S Schmidt-Kaerst,D Schmitz,H Schopper,DJ Schotanus,G Schwering,C Sciacca,D Sciarrino,A Seganti,L Servoli,S Shevchenko,N Shivarov,V Shoutko,E Shumilov,A Shvorob,T Siedenburg,D Son,B Smith,P Spillantini,M Steuer,DP Stickland,A Stone,B Stoyanov,A Straessner,K Sudhakar,G Sultanov,LZ Sun,H Suter,JD Swain,Z Szillasi,T Sztaricskai,XW Tang,L Tauscher,L Taylor,B Tellili,C Timmermans,SCC Ting,SM Ting,SC Tonwar,J Toth,C Tully,KL Tung,Y Uchida,J Ulbricht,E Valente,G Vesztergombi,I Vetlitsky,D Vicinanza,G Viertel,S Villa,M Vivargent,S Vlachos,I Vodopianov,H Vogel,H Vogt,I Vorobiev,AA Vorobyov,A Vorvolakos,M Wadhwa,W Wallraff,M Wang,XL Wang,ZM Wang,A Weber,M Weber,P Wienemann,H Wilkens,SX Wu,S Wynhoff,L Xia,ZZ Xu,J Yamamoto,BZ Yang,CG Yang,HJ Yang,M Yang,JB Ye,SC Yeh,A Zalite,Y Zalite,ZP Zhang,GY Zhu,RY Zhu,A Zichichi,G Zilizi,M Zoller
IF: 4.95
Physics Letters B
Abstract:The structure functions of real and virtual photons are derived from cross section measurements of the reaction e(+)e(-)--> e(+)e(-)+ hadrons at LEP. The reaction is studied at root s= 91GeV with the L3 detector. One of the final state electrons is detected at a large angle relative to the beam direction, leading to Q(2) values between 40 GeV2 and 500 GeV2 The other final state electron is either undetected or it is detected at a four-momentum transfer squared P-2 between 1 GeV2 and 8 GeV2. These measurements are compared with predictions of the Quark Parton Model and other QCD based models. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.