Measurement of the W Boson Mass and Width in E+e- Collisions at LEP

S. Schael,R. Barate,R. Brunelière,I. De Bonis,D. Décamp,Corinne Goy,Stéphane Jézéquel,J. P. Lees,Franck Martin,E. Merle,Marie-Noelle Minard,B. Pietrzyk,B. Trocmé,S. Bravo,M. P. Casado,M. Chmeissani,J.M. Crespo,Enol Fernández,M. Fernandez-Bosman,L. Garrido,M. Martı́nez,A. Pacheco,H. Ruiz,A. Colaleo,Donato Creanza,Nicola de Filippis,Mauro de Palma,Giuseppe Iaselli,Giorgio Maggi,Marcello Maggi,Salvatore Nuzzo,A. Ranieri,G. Raso,F. Ruggieri,Giovanna Selvaggi,Lucia Silvestris,P. Tempesta,Alessia Tricomi,G. Zito,X. Huang,J. Lin,Q. Ouyang,T. Wang,Y. Xie,R. Xu,S. Xue,J. Zhang,L. Zhang,Wencong Zhao,Duccio Abbaneo,T. Barklow,Oliver Buchmüller,M. Cattaneo,Barbara Clerbaux,H. Drevermann,Roger Forty,M. Frank,F. Gianotti,J. B. Hansen,J. Harvey,D. E. Hutchcroft,Patrick Janot,B. Jost,Marumi Kado,P. Mató,A. Moutoussi,F. Ranjard,Gigi Rolandi,D. Schlatter,F. Teubert,Andrea Valassi,I. Videau,F. Badaud,S. Dessagne,A. Falvard,D. Fayolle,P. Gay,J. Jousset,B. Michel,S. Monteil,D. Pallin,J.M. Pascolo,P. Perret,J. D. Hansen,J.R. Hansen,Peter Henrik Hansen,A. Kraan,B.S. Nilsson,Aristotelis Kyriakis,C. Markou,E. Simopoulou,A. Vayaki,K. Zachariadou,A. Blondel,J.C. Brient,F. Machefert,A. Rougé,H. Videau,Vitaliano Ciulli,Ettore Focardi,G. Parrini,A. Antonelli,M. Antonelli,G. Bencivenni,F. Bossi,G. Capon,F. Cerutti,V. Chiarella,P. Laurelli,G. Mannocchi,G.P. Murtas,L. Passalacqua,J. Kennedy,J.G. Lynch,P. Negus,Val O’Shea,A. S. Thompson,S. Wasserbaech,R. Cavanaugh,S. Dhamotharan,C. Geweniger,P. Hanke,V. Hepp,E.-E. Kluge,A. Putzer,Hasko Stenzel,K. Tittel,M. Wunsch,R. Beuselinck,W. Cameron,G. Davies,P.J. Dornan,M. Girone,Nancy Marinelli,J. Nowell,S.A. Rutherford,J.K. Sedgbeer,J.C. Thompson,Ryan White,V. M. Ghete,P. Girtler,Emmerich Kneringer,D. Kühn,G. Rudolph,Evelina Vassileva Bouhova-Thacker,C.K. Bowdery,Danielle Clarke,G. Ellis,A.J. Finch,F. Foster,G. Hughes,R. W. L. Jones,M.R. Pearson,N. A. Robertson,T. Sloan,M. Smizanska,O. van der Aa,Christophe Delaere,G. Leibenguth,Vincent Lemaı̂tre,Ulrike Blumenschein,F. Hölldorfer,K. Jakobs,F. Kayser,A.-S. Müller,B. Renk,H.‐G. Sander,S. Schmeling,H. Wachsmuth,Christian Zeitnitz,T. Ziegler,A. Bonissent,P. Coyle,C. Curtil,A. Ealet,D. Fouchez,P. Payre,A. Tilquin,Francesco Ragusa,A. David,H. Dietl,G. Ganis,K. Hüttmann,G. Lütjens,W. Männer,Jaroslav Guenther,R. Settles,M. Villegas,G. Wolf,J. Boucrot,O. Callot,M. Davier,L. Duflot,J.-F. Grivaz,Ph. Heusse,A. Jachołkowska,Laurent Serin,J.-J. Veillet,Paolo Azzurri,Giuseppe Bagliesi,Tommaso Boccali,L. Foà,Andrea Giammanco,Alessandro Giassi,Franco Ligabue,Alberto Messineo,Fabrizio Palla,G. Sanguinetti,A. Sciabà,Giacomo Sguazzoni,Paolo Spagnolo,Roberto Tenchini,Andrea Venturi,Piero Giorgio Verdini,O. Awunor,G.A. Blair,G. Cowan,Arán García-Bellido,M.G. Green,T. Medcalf,A. Misiejuk,J.A. Strong,Pedro Teixeira-Dias,R.W. Clifft,T.R. Edgecock,P.R. Norton,I.R. Tomalin,J.J. Ward,B. Bloch-Devaux,Djamel Eddine Boumediene,P. Colas,B. Fabbro,E. Lançon,M.C. Lemaire,Elizabeth Locci,P. Perez,John Rander,A. Trabelsi,B. Tuchming,B. Vallage,A. M. Litke,G. N. Taylor,C.N. Booth,S. Cartwright,F. Combley,P. Hodgson,M. Lehto,L.F. Thompson,A. Böhrer,Siegmund Brandt,C. Grupen,J. Heß,A. Ngac,G. Prange,C. Borean,G. Giannini,H. He,J. Pütz,J. Rothberg,Steven R. Armstrong,K. Berkelman,K. Cranmer,D.P.S. Ferguson,Y. Gao,S. González,O.J. Hayes,H. Hu,S. Jin,J. Kile,P.A. McNamara,J. Nielsen,Y. Pan,J.H. von Wimmersperg-Toeller,Werner Wiedenmann,Jian Wu,Sau Lan Wu,X. Wu,G. Zobernig,Günther Dissertori
Abstract:The mass of the W boson is determined from the direct reconstruction of its decays into purely hadronic and semi-leptonic events in e+e- collisions at LEP. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 683 inverse picobarns collected with the ALEPH detector at centre-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV. To minimise any effect from colour reconnection a new procedure is adopted in which low energy particles are not considered in the mass determination from the purely hadronic channel. The combined result from all channels is Mw = 80.440+-0.043(stat.)+-0.024(syst.)+-0.009(FSI)+-0.009(LEP) GeV/c**2 where FSI represents the possible effects of final state interactions in the purely hadronic channel. From two-parameter fits to the W mass and width, the W width is found to be Gw = 2.14+-0.09(stat.)+-0.04(syst.)+-0.05(FSI)+-0.01(LEP) GeV
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