High-E_T Inclusive Jet Cross Sections in Photoproduction at HERA

ZEUS Collaboration
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s100520050230
Abstract:Inclusive jet differential cross sections for the reaction e+ p --> e+ + jet + X with quasi-real photons have been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA. These cross sections are given for the photon-proton centre-of-mass energy interval 134 < W < 277 GeV and jet pseudorapidity in the range -1 < eta(jet) < 2 in the laboratory frame. The results are presented for three cone radii in the eta-phi plane, R=1.0, 0.7 and 0.5. Measurements of dsigma/deta(jet) above various jet-transverse-energy thresholds up to 25 GeV and in three ranges of W are presented and compared to next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD calculations. For jets defined with R=1.0 differences between data and NLO calculations are seen at high eta(jet) and low E_T(jet). The measured cross sections for jets defined with R=0.7 are well described by the calculations in the entire measured range of eta(jet) and E_T(jet). The inclusive jet cross section for E_T(jet) > 21 GeV is consistent with an approximately linear variation with the cone radius R in the range between 0.5 and 1.0, and with NLO calculations.
High Energy Physics - Experiment
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to better understand the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) processes in photon - proton collisions by studying the production of high - cross - section - energy jets. Specifically, the article focuses on the differential cross - section of inclusive jets measured by the ZEUS detector in photon - proton collision experiments carried out on the HERA accelerator. ### Main problems: 1. **Understanding the internal structure of photons**: By measuring jets with different pseudorapidities (\(\eta_{\text{jet}}\)) and transverse energies (\(E_{T}^{\text{jet}}\)), we can further understand the components of photons (i.e., the quark and gluon distributions inside photons). This helps to verify theoretical models and improve the understanding of photon parton distribution functions (PDFs). 2. **Comparing theoretical and experimental results**: The article compares the experimental data with the results of next - to - leading - order (NLO) calculations based on quantum chromodynamics, especially for jet definitions with different cone radii (\(R\)). This comparison helps to evaluate the validity of NLO QCD calculations and reveals possible theoretical deficiencies. 3. **Studying the influence of "underlying events"**: The article explores the energy flow due to non - hard - scattering processes (underlying event), especially in the high \(\eta_{\text{jet}}\) region. These additional energy contributions are not within the scope of NLO calculations, so the influence needs to be evaluated through experimental data. ### Specific objectives: - Measure the differential cross - section \(\frac{d\sigma}{d\eta_{\text{jet}}}\) under different \(E_{T}^{\text{jet}}\) thresholds. - Study the variation of the jet cross - section with the cone radius \(R\) to verify the stability of NLO calculations. - Measure in different ranges of the \(\gamma p\) center - of - mass energy \(W\) to provide a broader basis for comparison. Through these measurements, researchers hope to more accurately describe the QCD processes in photon - proton collisions and provide experimental evidence for future theoretical development.