Cored Hypergraphs, Power Hypergraphs and Their Laplacian H-Eigenvalues
Shenglong Hu,Liqun Qi,Jia-Yu Shao
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce the class of cored hypergraphs and power hypergraphs, and investigate the properties of their Laplacian H-eigenvalues. From an ordinary graph, one may generate a $k$-uniform hypergraph, called the $k$th power hypergraph of that graph. Power hypergraphs are cored hypergraphs, but not vice versa. Hyperstars, hypercycles, hyperpaths are special cases of power hypergraphs, while sunflowers are a subclass of cored hypergraphs, but not power graphs in general. We show that the largest Laplacian H-eigenvalue of an even-uniform cored hypergraph is equal to its largest signless Laplacian H-eigenvalue. Especially, we find out these largest H-eigenvalues for even-uniform sunflowers. Moreover, we show that the largest Laplacian H-eigenvalue of an odd-uniform sunflower, hypercycle and hyperpath is equal to the maximum degree, i.e., 2. We also compute out the H-spectra of the class of hyperstars. When $k$ is odd, the H-spectra of the hypercycle of size 3 and the hyperpath of length 3 are characterized as well.
Spectral Theory,Combinatorics