A note on the $A_{\alpha}$-spectral radius of graphs
Huiqiu Lin,Xing Huang,Jie Xue
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2018.08.008
Abstract:Let $G$ be a graph with adjacency matrix $A(G)$ and let $D(G)$ be the diagonal matrix of the degrees of $G$. For any real $alphain [0,1]$, Nikiforov [Merging the $A$- and $Q$-spectral theories, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 11 (2017) 81--107] defined the matrix $A_{alpha}(G)$ as $A_{alpha}(G)=alpha D(G)+(1-alpha)A(G).$ Let $u$ and $v$ be two vertices of a connected graph $G$. Suppose that $u$ and $v$ are connected by a path $w_0(=v)w_1cdots w_{s-1}w_s(=u)$ where $d(w_i)=2$ for $1leq ileq s-1$. Let $G_{p,s,q}(u,v)$ be the graph obtained by attaching the paths $P_p$ to $u$ and $P_q$ to $v$. Let $s=0,1$. Nikiforov and Rojo [On the $alpha$-index of graphs with pendent paths, Linear Algebra Appl. 550 (2018) 87--104] conjectured that $rho_{alpha}(G_{p,s,q}(u,v))u003crho_{alpha}(G_{p-1,s,q+1}(u,v))$ if $pgeq q+2.$ In this paper, we confirm the conjecture. As applications, firstly, the extremal graph with maximal $A_{alpha}$-spectral radius with fixed order and cut vertices is characterized. Secondly, we characterize the extremal tree which attains the maximal $A_{alpha}$-spectral radius with fixed order and matching number. These results generalize some known results.