A Quantifier-Free String Theory for ALOGTIME Reasoning

François Pitt
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.cs/0702160
Computational Complexity
Abstract:The main contribution of this work is the definition of a quantifier-free string theory T_1 suitable for formalizing ALOGTIME reasoning. After describing L_1 -- a new, simple, algebraic characterization of the complexity class ALOGTIME based on strings instead of numbers -- the theory T_1 is defined (based on L_1), and a detailed formal development of T_1 is given. Then, theorems of T_1 are shown to translate into families of propositional tautologies that have uniform polysize Frege proofs, T_1 is shown to prove the soundness of a particular Frege system F, and F is shown to provably p-simulate any proof system whose soundness can be proved in T_1. Finally, T_1 is compared with other theories for ALOGTIME reasoning in the literature. To our knowledge, this is the first formal theory for ALOGTIME reasoning whose basic objects are strings instead of numbers, and the first quantifier-free theory formalizing ALOGTIME reasoning in which a direct proof of the soundness of some Frege system has been given (in the case of first-order theories, such a proof was first given by Arai for his theory AID). Also, the polysize Frege proofs we give for the propositional translations of theorems of T_1 are considerably simpler than those for other theories, and so is our proof of the soundness of a particular F-system in T_1. Together with the simplicity of T_1's recursion schemes, axioms, and rules these facts suggest that T_1 is one of the most natural theories available for ALOGTIME reasoning.
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