Ramsey numbers for partially ordered sets
Christian Winter
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5445/IR/1000173294
Abstract:In this thesis, we present quantitative Ramsey-type results in the setting of finite sets that are equipped with a partial order, so-called posets. A prominent example of a poset is the Boolean lattice $Q_n$, which consists of all subsets of $\{1,\dots,n\}$, ordered by inclusion. For posets $P$ and $Q$, the poset Ramsey number $R(P,Q)$ is the smallest $N$ such that no matter how the elements of $Q_N$ are colored in blue and red, there is either an induced subposet isomorphic to $P$ in which every element is colored blue, or an induced subposet isomorphic to $Q$ in which every element is colored red.
The central focus of this thesis is to investigate $R(P,Q_n)$, where $P$ is fixed and $n$ grows large. Our results contribute to an active area of discrete mathematics, which studies the existence of large homogeneous substructures in host structures with local constraints, introduced for graphs by Erdős and Hajnal. We provide an asymptotically tight bound on $R(P,Q_n)$ for $P$ from several classes of posets, and show a dichotomy in the asymptotic behavior of $R(P,Q_n)$, depending on whether $P$ contains a subposet isomorphic to one of two specific posets.
A fundamental question in the study of poset Ramsey numbers is to determine the asymptotic behavior of $R(Q_n,Q_n)$ for large $n$. In this dissertation, we present improvements on the known lower and upper bound on $R(Q_n,Q_n)$. Moreover, we explore variations of the poset Ramsey setting, including Erdős-Hajnal-type questions when the small forbidden poset has a non-monochromatic color pattern, and so-called weak poset Ramsey numbers, which are concerned with non-induced subposets.