FEA Analysis and Experimental Investigation of the Ceramic Coating on Aluminum Piston Material By Plasma Spray Coating Technique
Venkat Karthik N,Suresh Kumar V,Yuvaraj K,Balaji .,Palani .
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.40765
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Abstract:Abstract: Functionally graded materials are of widespread interest because of their superior properties such as corrosion, erosion and oxidation resistance, high hardness, chemical and thermal stability at cryogenic and high temperatures. These properties make them useful for many applications, including Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) on metallic substrates used at high temperatures in the fields of aircraft and aerospace, especially for thermal protection of components in gas turbines and diesel engines. The application of TBC reduces the heat loss to the engine cooling-jacket through the surface exposed to the heat transfer such as the cylinder head, liner, piston crown and piston rings. The insulation of the combustion chamber with ceramic coating affects the combustion process and, hence, the performance and exhaust emissions characteristics of the engines improve. In this project, the main emphasis is placed on the study of thermal behavior of functionally graded coatings obtained by means of using a commercial code, ANSYS on aluminum and steel piston surfaces and the results are verified with numerical and experimental works. Keywords: Thermal Barrier Coating, Piston, Insulation, Corrosion, ANSYS, engine cooling-jacket.