The Φnn Coupling Constant
Charles L. Perrin,Israel Agranat,Alessandro Bagno,Silvia E. Braslavsky,Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes,Jean‐François Gal,Guy C. Lloyd‐Jones,Herbert Mayr,Joseph R. Murdoch,Norma Sbarbati Nudelman,Leo Radom,Zvi Rappoport,Marie‐Françoise Ruasse,Hans‐Ullrich Siehl,Yoshito Takeuchi,Thomas T. Tidwell,Einar Uggerud,Ian H. Williams
Abstract:We derive the light cone QCD sum rule for the eta NN coupling constant g (eta NN). The contribution from the excited states and the continuum is subtracted cleanly through the double Borel transform with respect to the two external momenta. p(1)(2),p(2)(2) = (p - q)(2). Our result is alpha (eta NN) = (0.3+/-0.15), which favors small values used in the literature.