MuCol Milestone Report No. 5: Preliminary Parameters
Carlotta Accettura,Simon Adrian,Rohit Agarwal,Claudia Ahdida,Chiara Aimé,Avni Aksoy,Gian Luigi Alberghi,Siobhan Alden,Luca Alfonso,Nicola Amapane,David Amorim,Paolo Andreetto,Fabio Anulli,Rob Appleby,Artur Apresyan,Pouya Asadi,Mohammed Attia Mahmoud,Bernhard Auchmann,John Back,Anthony Badea,Kyu Jung Bae,E.J. Bahng,Lorenzo Balconi,Fabrice Balli,Laura Bandiera,Carmelo Barbagallo,Roger Barlow,Camilla Bartoli,Nazar Bartosik,Emanuela Barzi,Fabian Batsch,Matteo Bauce,Michael Begel,J. Scott Berg,Andrea Bersani,Alessandro Bertarelli,Francesco Bertinelli,Alessandro Bertolin,Pushpalatha Bhat,Clarissa Bianchi,Michele Bianco,William Bishop,Kevin Black,Fulvio Boattini,Alex Bogacz,Maurizio Bonesini,Bernardo Bordini,Patricia Borges de Sousa,Salvatore Bottaro,Luca Bottura,Steven Boyd,Marco Breschi,Francesco Broggi,Matteo Brunoldi,Xavier Buffat,Laura Buonincontri,Philip Nicholas Burrows,Graeme Campbell Burt,Dario Buttazzo,Barbara Caiffi,Sergio Calatroni,Marco Calviani,Simone Calzaferri,Daniele Calzolari,Claudio Cantone,Rodolfo Capdevilla,Christian Carli,Carlo Carrelli,Fausto Casaburo,Massimo Casarsa,Luca Castelli,Maria Gabriella Catanesi,Lorenzo Cavallucci,Gianluca Cavoto,Francesco Giovanni Celiberto,Luigi Celona,Alessia Cemmi,Sergio Ceravolo,Alessandro Cerri,Francesco Cerutti,Gianmario Cesarini,Cari Cesarotti,Antoine Chancé,Nikolaos Charitonidis,Mauro Chiesa,Paolo Chiggiato,Vittoria Ludovica Ciccarella,Pietro Cioli Puviani,Anna Colaleo,Francesco Colao,Francesco Collamati,Marco Costa,Nathaniel Craig,David Curtin,Heiko Damerau,Giacomo Da Molin,Laura D'Angelo,Sridhara Dasu,Jorge de Blas,Stefania De Curtis,et al. (294 additional authors not shown)
Abstract:This document is comprised of a collection of updated preliminary parameters for the key parts of the muon collider. The updated preliminary parameters follow on from the October 2023 Tentative Parameters Report. Particular attention has been given to regions of the facility that are believed to hold greater technical uncertainty in their design and that have a strong impact on the cost and power consumption of the facility. The data is collected from a collaborative spreadsheet and transferred to overleaf.
Accelerator Physics