Finite-temperature phase transitions in $S=1/2$ three-dimensional Heisenberg magnets from high-temperature series expansions
M. G. Gonzalez,B. Bernu,L. Pierre,L. Messio
Abstract:Many frustrated spin models on three-dimensional (3D) lattices are currently being investigated, both experimentally and theoretically, and develop new types of long-range orders in their respective phase diagrams. They present finite-temperature phase transitions, most likely in the Heisenberg 3D universality class. However, the combination between the 3D character and frustration makes them hard to study. We present here several methods derived from high-temperature series expansions (HTSEs), which give exact coefficients directly in the thermodynamic limit up to a certain order; for several 3D lattices, supplementary orders than in previous literature are reported for the HTSEs. We introduce an interpolation method able to describe thermodynamic quantities at $T > T_c$, which we use here to reconstruct the magnetic susceptibility and the specific heat and to extract universal and non-universal quantities (for example critical exponents, temperature, energy, entropy, and other parameters related to the phase transition). While the susceptibility associated with the order parameter is not usually known for more exotic long-range orders, the specific heat is indicative of a phase transition for any kind of symmetry breaking. We present examples of applications on ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic models on various 3D lattices and benchmark our results whenever possible.
Strongly Correlated Electrons,Statistical Mechanics