The blazar PKS 0528+134: new results from BeppoSAX observations
G. Ghisellini,L. Costamante,G. Tagliaferri,L. Maraschi,A. Celotti,G. Fossati,E. Pian,A. Comastri,G. De Francesco,L. Lanteri,C.M. Raiteri,G. Sobrito M. Villata,I.S. Glass,P. Grandi,P. Padovani,C. Perola,A. Treves
Abstract:BeppoSAX observed 8 times the gamma-ray bright blazar PKS 0528+134 in Feb. and Mar. 1997, during a multiwavelength campaign involving EGRET, onboard CGRO, and ground based telescopes. The source was in its faintest X-ray state observed so far, with an unabsorbed [2-10] keV flux of 2.5E-12 erg/cm2/s. The spectrum can be fitted with a power law, with energy index alpha_X=0.49+-0.07 between 0.1 and 10 keV. The high energy instrument PDS detected a flux in the 15-100 keV band which appears disconnected from the lower X-ray energies, most likely due to a contaminating source. We consider our findings in the context of the overall spectral energy distribution and discuss their implications for synchrotron and inverse Compton models.