Speech audiometry indicators for diagnosis of hidden hearing loss in MP3 player users

DOI: https://doi.org/10.51231/2667-9507-2023-002-01-11-17
Journal of Biomedical and Medical Sciences
Abstract:StudywasconductedonthebasisoftheNationalCenterofAudiologyandS.tudy was conducted on the basis of the National Center of Audiology and S. KhechinashviliUniversityClinic.Apopulationof18to30yearsofagewasin-Khechinashvili University Clinic. A population of 18 to 30 years of age was in-cludedinthestudy–40subjectsand15individualsintheagegroup(50to55cluded in the study – 40 subjects and 15 individuals in the age group (50 to 55 years)wereselectedbasedontheirwillingnesstoparticipateinthestudybasedyears) were selected based on their willingness to participate in the study based onnon-randomcomplaintcomplaintsattheclinic.Themaingroupincluded22on non-random complaint complaints at the clinic. The main group included 22 (40%)MP3users,whilethecontrolgroupincluded18(33%)non–usersand(40%) MP3 users, while the control group included 18 (33%) non – users and 15(27%)personsinthemiddleagegroup.Ofthese,37(67%)werefemaleand15 (27%) persons in the middle age group. Of these, 37 (67%) were female and 18(33%)weremale.Auditorythresholdsweremeasuredmonaurallybythepure18 (33%) were male. Auditory thresholds were measured monaurally by the pure toneaudiometerwithinthebandof0.125-16kHzfrequencies.Attheprincipaltone audiometer within the band of 0.125-16 kHz frequencies. At the principal speechfrequencylink,1-8kHz,thethresholdsinplayermusicusersdidnotspeech frequency link, 1-8 kHz, the thresholds in player music users did not differfromthoseinnon-users.Athigherfrequenciesfrom9-16kHz,however,differ from those in non-users. At higher frequencies from 9-16 kHz, however, theplayermusicfanspossessedgreaterthresholdsmorethan25dB.Inanoisythe player music fans possessed greater thresholds more than 25 dB. In a noisy environment,speechaudiometryinnoisewasperformedtotesttheabilitytoenvironment, speech audiometry in noise was performed to test the ability to correctlydistinguishwords.Byexaminingtheresultsofspeechaudiometry,itcorrectly distinguish words. By examining the results of speech audiometry, it wasfoundthatoutof100wordsandthentheyrepeatthem.Mp3playeruserswas found that out of 100 words and then they repeat them. Mp3 player users hadworseresultthanadultgroup,higherunderstandingresultshadnon-users.had worse result than adult group, higher understanding results had non-users. The process of hearing disturbances along with a group-systematic character seemedthustoownanindividual-sensitivequalityalso.Systematicaudiometricalseemed thus to own an individual-sensitive quality also. Systematic audiometrical inspectionofpersonalmusicplayerfollowersisrecommendedforanin-timeinspection of personal music player followers is recommended for an in-time disclosureofahearingdisorderandanimmediatestartthenofcorrespondingdisclosure of a hearing disorder and an immediate start then of corresponding treatmentandpreventivemeans.Thehearingtestinghastoincludehightonetreatment and preventive means. The hearing testing has to include high tone frequencies,9-16kHz.Speechaudiometryinthenoisecanbeconsideredlikefrequencies, 9-16 kHz. Speech audiometry in the noise can be considered like goldstandardfordiagnosticofHiddenHearingLoss.gold standard for diagnostic of Hidden Hearing Loss.
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