Ordered k-flaw Preferences Sets
Po-Yi Huang,Jun Ma,Yeong-Nan Yeh
Abstract:In this paper, we focus on ordered $k$-flaw preference sets. Let
$\mathcal{OP}_{n,\geq k}$ denote the set of ordered preference sets of length
$n$ with at least $k$ flaws and $\mathcal{S}_{n,k}=\{(x_1,...,x_{n-k})\mid
x_1+x_2+... +x_{n-k}=n+k, x_i\in\mathbb{N}\}$. We obtain a bijection from the
sets $\mathcal{OP}_{n,\geq k}$ to $\mathcal{S}_{n,k}$. Let $\mathcal{OP}_{n,k}$
denote the set of ordered preference sets of length $n$ with exactly $k$ flaws.
An $(n,k)$-\emph{flaw path} is a lattice path starting at $(0,0)$ and ending at
$(2n,0)$ with only two kinds of steps--rise step: $U=(1,1)$ and fall step:
$D=(1,-1)$ lying on the line $y = -k$ and touching this line. Let
$\mathcal{D}_{n,k}$ denote the set of $(n, k)$-flaw paths. Also we establish a
bijection between the sets $\mathcal{OP}_{n,k}$ and $\mathcal{D}_{n,k}$. Let
$op_{n,\geq k,\leq l}^m$ $(op_{n, k, =l}^m)$ denote the number of preference
sets $\alpha=(a_1,...,a_n)$ with at least $k$ (exact) flaws and leading term
$m$ satisfying $a_i\leq l$ for any $i$ $(\max\{a_i\mid 1\leq i\leq n\}=l)$,
respectively. With the benefit of these bijections, we obtain the explicit
formulas for $op_{n,\geq k,\leq l}^m$. Furthermore, we give the explicit
formulas for $op_{n, k, =l}^m$. We derive some recurrence relations of the
sequence formed by ordered $k$-flaw preference sets of length $n$ with leading
term $m$. Using these recurrence relations, we obtain the generating functions
of some corresponding $k$-flaw preference sets.