Preparation of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) from Shells through Dissolution, Carbonation, and Sonication

Leny Yuliatun,Eko Sri Kunarti,Widjijono Widjijono,Nuryono Nuryono
Journal of Aceh Physics Society
Abstract:Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat kalsium karbonat terendapkan atau precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) dari cangkang kerang mutiara melalui pelarutan dengan larutan HNO3, karbonasi dengan karbondioksida, dan sonikasi. Cangkang kerang dengan ukuran 200 mesh dikalsinasi 900oC selama 3 jam, dilarutkan dalam larutan asam nitrat 0,8 M dan ditambahkan ammonia sebagai pembentuk suasana basa. Selanjutnya dialiri gas CO2 (karbonasi) selama 30 menit dan dilanjutkan sonikasi selama 30 menit. Endapan yang terbentuk setelah pencucian berwarna putih dengan presentase CaO mencapai 98,36%. Persentase tersebut lebih tinggi dibanding CaO pada cangkang kerang sebelum dimurnikan. PCC yang berhasil diekstraksi mempunyai fase kristal kalsit (2θ) 29,3, 35,88, dan 39,4° dan vaterit (2θ) 24,8 ̊, 27,0 ̊, 32,7 ̊, 43,8 ̊ dan 55,7 ̊. Fase kristal kalsit dan vaterit juga dapat dilihat dari citra SEM yang menunjukkan bentuk kubus (kalsit) dan bulat (vaterit). Hasil FTIR menunjukkan bilangan gelombang 708, 748, 879, 1087, 1420, 1465 dan 1481,3 cm-1 merupakan identitas dari vibrasi gugus karbonat dari vaterit dan kalsit dalam PCC. Ukuran partikel dari PCC yang terbentuk adalah 2,434 μm. Berdasarkan hasil karakterisasi yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa PCC cangkang kerang telah berhasil dilakukan dan membentuk fase kristal kalsit dan vaterit. Abstract. This study aimed to prepare precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) from pearl oyster shells by dissolving with HNO3 solution, carbonation with carbon dioxide, and sonication. Shells with a size of 200 mesh were calcined at 900 oC for 3 hours, dissolved in 0.8 M nitric acid solution and added ammonia to form an alkaline medium. Then it was flowed with CO2 gas (carbonation) for 30 minutes and continued sonication for 30 minutes. The precipitate formed after washing is white with a CaO percentage of 98.36%. This percentage is higher than the CaO in clam shells before being purified. PCC that was successfully extracted had crystalline phases of calcite (2θ) 29.3, 35.88, and 39.4° and vaterite (2θ) 24.8 ̊, 27.0 ̊, 32.7 ̊, 43.8 ̊ and 55 ,7 ̊. The calcite and vaterite crystal phases can also be seen from the SEM images which show cubic (calcite) and spherical (vaterite) shapes. FTIR results show wave numbers 708, 748, 879, 1087, 1420, 1465 and 1481.3 cm-1 which are the identity of the vibration of the carbonate group of vaterite and calcite in PCC. The particle size of the formed PCC is 2.434 μm. Based on the results of the characterization carried out, it can be concluded that the PCC of the shells has been successfully carried out and formed calcite and vaterite crystal phases.
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