Early Childhood Teacher Job Satisfaction in Terms of Technostress and Work-Family Conflict in Indonesia

Anbar Zumayyah M,Yuli Kurniawati Sugiyo Pranoto,Siti Nuzulia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21009/jpud.171.09
JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
Abstract:Teachers have an important and primary role in the education system. The achievement of the teacher's role in education will have an impact on job satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the job satisfaction of Early Childhood Education teachers in terms of variables of technostress and work-family conflicts among teachers who are married. This study was designed with a correlational quantitative design. Data collection is done online with the assistance of Google forms-distributed throughout Indonesia. One hundred and fifty-seven teacher respondents who fit the criteria became the research sample. The data analysis technique uses hierarchical regression. The results of the analysis stated that there was a relationship between technostress and job satisfaction. The findings show that two of the five aspects of technostress that techno-overload and techno-insecurity have a negative correlation with job satisfaction, while techno-uncertainty has a positive correlation. In addition, two aspects of technostress namely techno-invasion and techno-complexity do not correlate with job satisfaction. next to the relationship between work-family conflict with job satisfaction. The findings show that one of the two aspects of work-family conflict is strain negatively correlated with job satisfaction while time and behavior do not correlate with job satisfaction. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that early childhood teachers are more affected by their job satisfaction technostress/techno-overload compared to work-family conflict. Keywords: early childhood teacher, job satisfaction, technostress, work-family conflict References: A Suh, JL (2017). Understanding teleworkers' technostress and its influence on job satisfaction. Internet Research, 27(1), 140–159. https://doi.org/10.1108/IntR-06-2015-0181 1. Dwi Putranti, A., & Achmad Kurniady, D. (2013). 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