The Effectiveness of Online Learning as A Form of Critical Pedagogic Transformation: The Perceptions of ECCE Teachers and Parents

Della Raymena Jovanka
JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
Abstract:ABSTRACT: Regarding their competence, teachers must be able to improve their professional competence by utilizing technology and communication (ICT) by the demands of 21st-century competence. Furthermore, the nation's problems in the field of education and professionalism include several main problems that require more applicable and quality training for teachers and parents. This research aims to measure the perceptions of ECCE parents and teachers regarding the digital competence (use of technological devices and ability to access the internet) of online learning that they carry out, whether the learning is effective and able to measure children's competence or competence still needs to be improved to make it even better. The method that will be used in this research is quantitative research with a survey method in the form of a questionnaire. Participants are focused on ECCE teachers and parents who have early childhood children, especially kindergartens and elementary school grades 1 and 2 (aged 4 to 8 years). The results of the data analysis, of this research show that both parents and teachers feel face-to-face learning is more effective than online learning. This condition is supported by data that both parents and teachers feel obstacles and doubts that online learning can measure children's competence. Keywords: professional development, digital learning, digital competencies, technology in learning References: Abbas, H. (2015). Straightening the Direction of Education. PT PP Mardi Mulyo. Abbas, H. (2020). Contemporary Issues on Indonesian Education: Expedient Truths. PT PP Mardi Mulyo. Abdallah, A. K. (2018). Parents Perception of E-Learning in Abu Dhabi Schools in United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 4(10). Advocates, E. (2015). 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