The Role of Preschool in Using Gadgets for Digital Natives Generation

N Zulkifli,Ria Novianti,Meyke Garzia,Zulkifli N
Abstract:Digital natives’ generation is inseparable from gadgets, less socializing, lack of creativity and being an individualist. The digital native’s generation wants things that are instant and lack respect for the process. The preoccupation of children with gadgets makes children socially alienated or known as anti-social. Preschool play an important role in the development of the digital native’s generation and in the future can help children use gadgets with parents. As it is known, the digital native’s generation is a kindergarten child. This study aims to determine the role of preschools in helping the use of gadgets in the digital native generation. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach with simple random sampling technique was obtained 25 kindergarten principals in Pekanbaru City. Data was collected in the form of a questionnaire via google form. Data analysis uses percentages and is presented in the tabular form. The results of the study indicate that the role of preschools in the use of gadgets in digital native generation children in Pekanbaru City is included in the low category. Only a few preschools have organized parenting education for parents. There are almost no rules governing children's use of gadgets at home, and few preschools educate children on how to use gadgets properly. It is expected for teachers and preschools to add special programs in the curriculum to provide information about positive gadget use and parenting programs that discuss digital native generation and collaborate with parents to establish rules such as frequency, duration and content of children using gadgets. Keywords: Digital Native, Preschool, Gadgets References: Alia, T., & Irwansyah, I. (2018). Pendampingan orang tua pada anak usia dini dalam penggunaan teknologi digital [parent mentoring of young children in the use of digital technology]. Polyglot: Jurnal Ilmiah, 14(1), 65–78. Allen, K. 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