Invariants cohomologiques de groupes algébriques et d'algèbres à involution
Nicolas Garrel
Abstract:In order to study certain algebraic objects, and notably algebraic groups, Serre introduced the notion on invariants, in particular cohomological invariants. The construction of non-trivial cohomological invariants of algebraic groups is an active area of modern research, and very few invariants are known in degree greater than 3.
In the first chapter, we give a complete description of Witt and cohomological invariants of the functors In as combinations of fundamental invariants behaving like divided powers, whose construction relies crucially on lambda operations in the Grothendieck-Witt ring. We also study the behaviour of these invariants with respect to various operations such as products or similitudes.
The second chapter is dedicated to the construction of a "mixed" Witt ring associated to an algebra with involution : the fundamental idea is to define the product of two $\epsilon$-hermitian forms using a Morita equivalence given by the involution trace form of the algebra. We also define lambda operations on the mixed Grothendieck-Witt ring, as well as a fundamental filtration imitating the split case. A particular attention is given to explicit calculations in the case of algebras of index 2.
We use those tools in the third chapter to mimic the constructions of chapter 1 in the framework of hermitian forms, and thus construct cohomological invariants of algebras with involution, with more detailed results in index 2. The main interest is to be in principle able to define non-trivial invariants of arbitrarily high degree, although the index constitues a form of obstruction.
Rings and Algebras,Algebraic Geometry,K-Theory and Homology