Mechanisms for Optimizing and Updating the Content and Methodological Training of Future Primary School Teachers
Vera Vlasova,Venera Zakirova,Lera Kamalova,Leysan Kayumova,Elvira Sabirova,Irina Khairova,,,,,,
Education & Self Development
Abstract:The article presents a structural practice-oriented model of preparing a future teacher for an active professional activity, taking into account the educational standards of primary general education, based on practical forms of educational activity, provided with a high level of theoretical knowledge and possession of the methodology and technologies of self-knowledge. The model embodies the original scientific and methodological support for the process of professional training of future teachers at Kazan University, the system priority of which was the realization of the student's personal capabilities through interactive methods of his cognitive, communicative and axiological activities. Scientific and methodological support is considered as an applied empirical mechanism for optimizing and updating the content and methodological training of future teachers who are capable of creative organization of the process of teaching younger students, of effective adjustment and development of basic educational programs in elementary school. The information-logistical approach has become the leading one in the study of the problem, which is important in conditions when the content of education is shifting from memorization to the search, selection and comprehension of information, and teacher training is carried out in an environment that provides an integrated perception of experience, allowing him to be included in the advanced design of the content of education. The article describes a system of interrelated practice-oriented activities, determined by the dynamics of content modules, the conditions for their implementation and evaluation criteria, aimed at developing the professional competencies of future teachers, improving their qualifications and professional skills in obtaining personal, meta-subject and subject results. The original scientific and methodological support for the process of professional training of future teachers offers interactive methods that represent innovative and unique tools for designing the learning process and predicting its effectiveness, allowing you to most accurately determine the advantages and problems of the real educational process of teacher training when testing new technologies and teaching methods. The implementation of the proposed scientific and methodological support expands and actualizes the resource content of the educational process through empirical research based on the study, analysis and generalization of real innovative pedagogical experience.