Olena Maksimova,Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,Mariia Fedorova,,
Abstract:The article outlines the tasks of working with children in the aspect of forming tolerance in them; the conditions and content-technological support for the education of interpersonal tolerance in preschool children are presented, which we define as a set of content areas and their technological implementation, i.e. methodical toolkit (forms, methods, tools). The conditions that optimize the process of forming a child's tolerant personality are singled out, namely: creation of a tolerant space in the kindergarten; teachers' orientation towards maintaining tolerant relations with children and educating them in the appropriate position; ensuring close cooperation with parents; application of content-technological support in work with children aimed at fostering tolerance. Among the areas of work, we single out the following: formation of knowledge about oneself, surrounding people, about different peoples and nations, rules of behaviour in society, understanding of the equality of all people; development of a positive emotional attitude towards people; formation of socially oriented motivation; formation of humanistic values; education of tolerant behaviour. A number of forms and methods of working with children and with parents are proposed, which, as the most important component of influencing the development of a child's personality, have a significant impact on the formation of tolerance or intolerance towards representatives of society. Subjects of classes are presented, fiction is recommended, interactive games and exercises are offered, games and exercises of a moral and ethical orientation, energy exercises, revealed features of artistic and productive activity, familiarization with the folklore of Ukrainians and decorative and applied art, selected story role-playing, didactic games, the topic of everyday life situations for discussion and dramatization, with an emphasis on the celebration of national holidays, which in general will help an adult in raising a tolerant child's personality, in particular, not only in correcting intolerance, but also in preventing its manifestations.