Liubov Baidiuk
Problems of Modern Teacher Training
Abstract:The article highlights the process of the formation of communicative competence of future primary school teachers in modern conditions. It was established that the problem of revealing the essence of communicative competence is based on an interdisciplinary space, as it includes pedagogical aspects, linguistic, psychological and methodical (communicative qualities of language, literary norm, text, communication, language activity, types of language activity, motives of language activity, and language ethics). The scientific literature was analyzed, the communication of applicants and teachers was observed in various situations, on the basis of which it was established that the professional training of the future teacher in the direction of communicative culture is insufficient and the reserves available in higher education institutions for this are not fully used; a significant part of students during the period of pedagogical practices experience serious difficulties in managing the educational activities of students in the mode of explanatory-reproductive, problem-based, developmental and other types of learning and in organizing the corresponding types of communication training. The understanding of communicative competence as a complex personal characteristic containing communicative abilities and skills, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, personality properties, psychological states in communication with people is revealed. It has been proven that communicative competence is not reduced either to pedagogical abilities or to an ensemble of personal traits, since the teacher’s interpretation turns out to be one-sided. Two interrelated and interdependent levels of communicative competence are distinguished: the first level determines the manifestation of communicative competence in communication, communicative behavior of a person, the second includes communicative values, the orientation and specificity of the teacher’s motivation, his need for communication and includes communication skills and abilities, as well as psychological-pedagogical knowledge. It has been established that the basis of communicative competence is the communicative core of the personality, which is manifested through communicative abilities, and they, in turn, through the formed communicative skills. Four interrelated components of the communicative competence of the future primary school teacher are distinguished: basic, content, operational, reflective. It is proposed to shift the emphasis from scientific subject training to communicative training, since the implementation of the idea of communicative dominance should contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the process of forming the communicative competence of the future primary school teacher.
Keywords: formation; communicative competence; future teachers; elementary school; communicative core; preparation; communicative qualities; communication; language activity.