Some variants of the generalized Borel Theorem and applications
Dinh Tuan Huynh
Abstract:In the first part of this paper, we establish some results around generalized Borel's Theorem. As an application, in the second part, we construct example of smooth surface of degree $d\geq 19$ in $\mathbb{CP}^3$ whose complements is hyperbolically embedded in $\mathbb{CP}^3$. This improves the previous construction of Shirosaki where the degree bound $d=31$ was gave. In the last part, for a Fermat-Waring type hypersurface $D$ in $\mathbb{CP}^n$ defined by the homogeneous polynomial \[ \sum_{i=1}^m h_i^d, \] where $m,n,d$ are positive integers with $m\geq 3n-1$ and $d\geq m^2-m+1$, where $h_i$ are homogeneous generic linear forms on $\mathbb{C}^{n+1}$, for a nonconstant holomorphic function $f\colon\mathbb{C}\rightarrow\mathbb{CP}^n$ whose image is not contained in the support of $D$, we establish a Second Main Theorem type estimate: \[ \big(d-m(m-1)\big)\,T_f(r)\leq N_f^{[m-1]}(r,D)+S_f(r). \] This quantifies the hyperbolicity result due to Shiffman-Zaidenberg and Siu-Yeung.
Complex Variables