The Closed and Open Unbalanced Dicke Trimer Model: Critical Properties and Nonlinear Semiclassical Dynamics
Cheng Zhang,Pengfei Liang,Neill Lambert,Mauro Cirio
Abstract:We study a generalization of a recently introduced Dicke trimer model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 163601, Phys. Rev. Research 5, L042016], which allows for cavity losses and unbalanced light-matter interactions (in which rotating and counter-rotating terms can be tuned independently). We find that in the extreme unbalanced limit, the $U(1)$ symmetry of the Tavis-Cummings model is restored, qualitatively altering the critical phenomena in the superradiant phase due to the presence of a zero-energy mode. To analyze this general regime, we develop a semiclassical theory based on a re-quantization technique. This theory also provides further physical insight on a recently reported anomalous finite critical fluctuations in the time-reversal broken regime. Moving to the open-Dicke case, by introducing local dissipation to the cavities, we observe the emergence of a rich range of nonequilibrium phases characterized by trivial and non-trivial dynamical signatures. In the former case, we identify, when time-reversal symmetry is present, a new stationary phase that features superradiant states in two of the three cavities and a normal state in the other cavity. In the latter case, we observe the emergence of dynamical phases in which the system exhibits superradiant oscillations, characterized by periodic or chaotic phase space patterns. The landscape of transitions associated with these dynamical phases features a wide range of qualitatively different behaviours such as Hopf bifurcations, anomalous Hopf bifurcations, collisions between basins of attraction, and exterior crises. We highlight how the two-critical-scalings feature of the closed model is robust under dissipation while the phenomenon of anomalous finite critical fluctuations becomes a mean-field scaling in the open model.
Quantum Physics