Yong Li,Z. D. Wang,C. P. Sun
Abstract:We employ a generalized Dicke model to study theoretically the quantum criticality of an extended two-level atomic ensemble interacting with a single-mode quantized light field. Effective Hamiltonians are derived and diagonalized to investigate numerically their eigenfrequencies for different quantum phases in the system. Based on the analysis of the eigenfrequencies, an intriguing quantum-phase transition from a normal phase to a superradiant phase is revealed clearly, which is quite different from that observed with a standard Dicke model.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to study the quantum criticality when an extended two - level atomic ensemble interacts with a single - mode quantized light field. Specifically, by generalizing the Dicke model and going beyond the traditional dipole approximation, the authors explored the quantum phase transition (QPT) phenomenon on a larger spatial scale (that is, the size of the atomic ensemble is much larger than the light wavelength).
### Main problems and goals:
1. **Research background**: The traditional Dicke model mainly studies small - sized atomic ensembles (where the dipole approximation can be used), while this paper focuses on extended atomic ensembles, in which the light - atom interaction depends on the spatial position of the atoms.
2. **Quantum phase transition**: The authors aim to reveal whether there is a quantum phase transition in this extended system, and if so, how this transition is different from that in the traditional Dicke model.
3. **Theoretical framework**: By introducing the generalized Dicke model and deriving the effective Hamiltonian, the authors attempt to understand the transition process from the normal phase to the superradiant phase.
### Research methods:
1. **Model establishment**: Consider an extended ensemble consisting of \(N\) identical two - level atoms, which interact with a single - mode quantized light field. The Hamiltonian of the system is:
H = H_0 + H_I
H_0=\omega a^{\dagger}a+\omega_0\sum_{j = 1}^N\sigma_j^{ee}
H_I=\lambda\sqrt{N}\sum_{j = 1}^N(a^{\dagger}e^{-ikr_j}+ae^{ikr_j})(\sigma_j^{eg}+\sigma_j^{ge})
2. **Analysis of the normal phase**: In the normal phase, introduce the collective operators \(B^{\dagger}\) and \(C^{\dagger}\), and assume that the number of excitations is much smaller than \(N\). Diagonalize the Hamiltonian through the Bogoliubov transformation to obtain the quasi - particle excitation frequencies.
3. **Analysis of the superradiant phase**: In the superradiant phase, consider the macroscopic occupation of the field and atomic collective excitations, re - define the collective operators \(B^{\dagger}\) and \(C^{\dagger}\), and map the system to a coupled three - mode boson system through the displacement transformation. Then diagonalize the new Hamiltonian to obtain the quasi - particle excitation frequencies.
### Main findings:
1. **Quantum phase transition**: A quantum phase transition from the normal phase to the superradiant phase has been discovered, and the transition point is located at \(\lambda_c=\sqrt{\frac{\omega\omega_0}{2}}\).
2. **Characteristics of different phases**: In the superradiant phase, there are four possible phase states, among which only one has the same critical point as the normal phase.
3. **Critical behavior**: Near the critical point, the ground - state energy density of the system shows continuity, but its second - order derivative is discontinuous, indicating that this is a second - order phase transition.
### Conclusion:
This research, by generalizing the Dicke model, has revealed the quantum critical phenomena in the extended atomic ensemble that are different from those in the traditional Dicke model. This result is of great significance for understanding the quantum phase transitions in radiation - matter interaction systems and provides a theoretical basis for further research.