Determination of hemolysis index thresholds for biochemical tests on Siemens Advia 2400 chemistry analyzer

Zhenhua Du,JiQin Liu,Hua Zhang,BuHe Bao,RuiQi Zhao,Ying Jin
IF: 3.124
Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis
Abstract:<style> .inline-equation { overflow-x:auto; } </style><article> <div class="abstract-group"> <section class="article-section article-section__abstract" lang="en" data-lang="en" id="section-1-en"> <h2 id="d20058047" class="article-section__header section__title main abstractlang_en main">Abstract</h2> <div class="article-section__content en main"> <div class="article-section__content" id="jcla22856-sec-0001"> <h3 class="article-section__sub-title section1"> Background</h3> <p>In vitro hemolysis is still the most common source of pre‐analytical nonconformities. This study aimed to investigate the hemolytic effects on commonly used biochemical tests as well as to determine the hemolysis index (HI) thresholds on Siemens Advia 2400 chemistry analyzer.</p>
medical laboratory technology
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