Literarischer Transfer auf Umwegen: Ironisches Sprechen im ›Löwenritter‹ Chrétiens de Troyes und im Kreuzlied Hartmanns von Aue, ›Ich var mit iuweren hulden‹ (MF 218,5)
Stefan Abel
Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur
Abstract:Chrétien de Troyes's Old French Arthurian romances have mostly found expression in corresponding German romances such as Hartmann von Aue's ›Iwein‹. Generally, Chrétien's romances have not influenced the German poets' lyrical works, so far as known, with one single exception: an ironic passage from Chrétien's ›Chevalier au lion‹ could have served as a model for the ironic speech in Hartmann's crusade song ›Ich var mit iuweren hulden‹ (MF 218,5). In Chrétien, Calogrenant, Yvain's cousin, informs the Arthurian court of his defeat by Esclados, and Yvain is eager to take revenge for his cousin. By using proverbial expressions which allude, inter alia, to the crusades against Noradin or Saladin, Keu, however, ironically reproaches Yvain for not following his words with action whereas at table, he is talking about heroic deeds he would achieve the following day. The discrepancy between word and deed is also a theme in Hartmann's crusade song. A much discussed passage in the song's second stanza first declares true love for God and then for one's lady as being willing to embark on a crusade. Then, however, a logical break occurs, when the singer, obviously on the point of departing, declares: ›yet if Saladin were alive and all his army, they would never take me a foot out of Franconia‹ (MF 218,19f.). Hartmann undoubtedly knew the ironic Noradin passage from Chrétien. Therefore, the question arises if the Saladin passage in Hartmann's crusade song should also be read ironically.