Mitigating the effects of charged particle strikes on TES arrays for exotic atom X-ray experiments
H. Tatsuno,D.A. Bennett,W.B. Doriese,M. Durkin,J.W. Fowler,J.D. Gard,T. Hashimoto,R. Hayakawa,T. Hayashi,G.C. Hilton,Y. Ichinohe,H. Noda,G.C. O'Neil,S. Okada,C.D. Reintsema,D.R. Schmidt,D.S. Swetz,J.N. Ullom,S. Yamada
Abstract:Exotic atom experiments place transition-edge-sensor (TES) microcalorimeter arrays in a high-energy charged particle rich environment. When a high-energy charged particle passes through the silicon substrate of a TES array, a large amount of energy is deposited and small pulses are generated across multiple pixels in the TES array due to thermal crosstalk. We have developed analysis techniques to assess and reduce the effects of charged particle events on exotic atom X-ray measurements. Using this technique, the high-energy and low-energy components of the X-ray peaks due to pileup are eliminated, improving the energy resolution from 6.6 eV to 5.7 eV at 6.9 keV.
Instrumentation and Detectors