Problematic issues of high-carbon electrical steel production
Velichko O,Bezshkurenko O,Stovpchenko G,Ivashchenko V,Myanovska Ya,Chechenev V,Brotsky O
Theory and practice of metallurgy
Abstract:Currently, wire rod for the production of wire from low-, medium- and high-carbon unalloyed and alloyed steels for springs, ropes, metal cord, welding electrodes and copper-plated wire for welding building structures, ship hulls, large-diameter pipes and main gas and oil pipelines is in demand on the world market. for the production of which it is not necessary to carry out softening annealing before drawing the wire rod or on an intermediate size of wire. The most responsible types of wire rod made of high carbon steel are wire rod, intended for the production of metal cord and high-strength reinforcing ropes. The above-mentioned products must have high consumer properties, the level of which largely depends on the formation of the structural state of the metal, including in the process of accelerated cooling from rolling heating. Currently, the volume of wire rod production in the world exceeds 50 million tons, which is explained by the wide range of finished products made from it - ropes, metal cord, springs, needles, strings, nets, fasteners, welding electrodes and other metal products. According to GOST 2590-2006, wire rods are round profiles with a diameter of 9.0 mm and less, round profiles with a diameter of 10.0 mm and more are classified as small-grade rental In foreign and domestic literature, wire rod is sometimes considered to be a round rolled product made of carbon, low- and high-alloy steels, produced on continuous wire mills and wire lines of small- and wire looms, regardless of the diameter, which reaches 26 mm. The main part of the wire rod is directed for further processing at steel wire and hardware enterprises. In recent years, the volume of production of wire rod from continuously cast blanks with a high degree has increased metallurgical purity, including for the production of particularly responsible products. For example, such as a metal cord, which has a high level of endurance, and in terms of strength, this type of product is divided by normative strength into normal (NT 2400 ... 2750 N / mm2), high (HT 2750 ... 3100 N / mm2), super high (ST 3100... 3450 N / mm2) and ultra-high-strength (UT 3450 ... 3750 N / mm2). Considerable attention is paid to the improvement of the high-carbon steel smelting process. Various methods are offered to ensure the purity of steel and the formation of high strength properties. To improve the plasticity of steels, alloying additives with a significant content of carbon and manganese are widely used limited nitrogen content. Processing at the ladle-furnace installation in the process of high-carbon smelting was analyzed steel with improved plasticity for cold deformation.