Assessment of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Regarding Clinical Competence and Stressors: Nursing Students' Perspectives

Intessar Ahmed,Lucy Abu El Alla
Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal
Abstract:Background: Clinical education is one of the important and basic principles in nursingeducation which is accepted by all programmers and managers of educational programs ofthis field as the main part of nursing education. The assessment of clinical competence istherefore an important issue in nursing education and the utilization of objective structuredclinical evaluation (OSCE) for that purpose is considered very important. The skillscomponent in nursing-related subjects contributes to at least 50% of the content of thesesubjects, with this high proportion also requiring that any assessment should reflect thissignificant emphasis on the skills (psychomotor) component. Objective: The aim of this studywas to assess objective structured clinical Examination’s regarding clinical competence andstressors among undergraduate nursing students. Setting: It was carried out at critical careand emergency nursing department, faculty of nursing, Damanhour University. Subjects: Thisstudy involved 85 undergraduate nursing students. Tools: Assessment of Objective StructuredClinical Examination regarding clinical competence and stressors structure questionnairewas used to collect data. The questionnaire consists of 20 statements. 10 statements related toclinical competence and the other related to stressors. For each statement students wereasked to rate their responses on a point scale rating from 1-5. (1) For strongly disagree, (2)for disagree, (3) for not sure, (4) for agree and (5) for strongly agree. Results: It was foundthat the majority of the respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they received enoughinformation, appropriate repetition of OSCE, the quality of information was quiet well, OSCEis a standardized exam for all students, OSCE is a fair exam, OSCE minimizes chances offailing, students prepare differently for OSCE than for other clinical examinations, OSCEprovides them with practical and useful experience, OSCE chance for developing confidence to conduct similar procedure on real patients, OSCE scores truly reflect competence inclinical skills, OSCE has a positive impact on clinical learning. Most of the studied sampledisagreed or strongly disagreed that level of stress was low, time to complete procedure orreading instructions was enough. Conclusion: Nursing students perceived OSCE as suitablemethod which improves their clinical competence. But there was time limitation while itsimplementation and the majority of students considered it as one of the important factors inproducing stress in OSCE. Recommendations: Determine time needed for each procedureand accommodate OSCE, and Increase frequencies of OSCE through open lab hour.
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