Short intervals containing numbers without large prime factors
Glyn Harman
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Abstract:We denote, as usual, the number of integers not exceeding x having no prime factors greater than y by Ψ( x, y ). We also write The function Ψ( x, y ) is of great interest in number theory and has been studied by many researchers (see [ 3 ], [ 5 ] and [ 6 ] for example). The function Ψ( x, z, y ) has also received some attention (see [ 2 ], [ 4–6 ]). In this paper we shall try to obtain a positive lower bound for Ψ( x, z, y ) with y as small as possible when z is about x 1⁄2 in magnitude. We note that the approach in [ 5 ] and [ 6 ] allows y to be much smaller than is permissible here, but requires x/z to be smaller than any power of x in [ 6 ] (unless some conjecture like the Riemann Hypothesis is assumed), or needs in [ 5 ]. The following result was obtained by Balog[ 1 ].