Meromorphic Functions With Radially Distributed Values
Walter Bergweiler,Alex Eremenko,Jim Langley
Abstract:A value on the extended complex plane is a radially distributed value of a transcendental meromorphic function if most of points at which the value is assumed distribute closely along a finite number of rays from the origin. In this chapter, we study the growth order of a meromorphic function with two radially distributed values and a distinct deficient value (in other words, this hints a condition under which deficient values do not exist). We respectively treat two cases: one is without assumption about the growth of the function considered and the other is under assumption of the function being of the finite lower order. The Nevanlinna characteristic for an angle plays crucial role in the investigation of this subject. Actually, the idea to study this subject is the following: the Nevanlinna characteristic T (r, f) for {vertical bar z vertical bar < r} is controlled by the corresponding proximate function m(r,*) to a deficient value; there exists a solid relation between m(r,*) and the sum of B(r,*) on the finitely many angular domains; and according to some fundamental theorems, we estimate B(r,*) in terms of two C(r,**), which describes the number of poles of the function ** in the angle. Thus T (r, f) is controlled in terms of the number of value-points in the angles. This way also produces discussion of the growth order dealing with other type of radially distributed values. Finally, we simply survey the background and other main results of the subject.