The modulus of a vector measure
Ben de Pagter,Werner J. Ricker,Ben de PagterWerner J. Ricker1 Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics,Faculty EEMCS,Delft University of Technology,P.O. Box 5031,2600 GA Delft,The Netherlands.2 Math.-Geogr. Fakultät,Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt,D-85072 Eichstätt,Germany. E-Mail
Quaestiones Mathematicae
Abstract:It is known that if L is a Dedekind complete Riesz space and (Ω, Σ) is a measurable space, then the partially ordered linear space of all L -valued, finitely additive and order bounded vector measures m on Σ is also a Dedekind complete Riesz space (for the natural operations). In particular, the modulus | m | o of m exists in this space of measures and | m | o is given by a well known formula. Some 20 years ago L. Drewnowski and W. Wnuk asked the question (for L not Dedekind complete) if there is an m for which | m| o exists but, | m | o is not given by the usual formula? We show that such a measure m does indeed exist.