System Atic C Om Parison Ofjet Energy-Loss Schem Es in a R Ealistic H Ydrodynam Ic M Edium

Charles Gale,Mali Abhijit,Guang-You Qin,Thorsten Renk
Abstract:W e perform a system atic com parison of three dierent jet energy-loss approaches. These in- cludetheArm esto-Salgado-W iedem ann schem ebased on theapproach ofBaier-Dokshitzer-M ueller- Peigne-Schiand Zakharov (BDM PS-Z/ASW ),the Higher Twist approach (HT) and a schem e based on the approach ofArnold-M oore-Yae (AM Y).In this com parison,an identicalm edium evolution willbe utilized for allthree approaches: not only does this entailthe use ofthe sam e realistic three-dim ensionalrelativistic uid dynam ics (RFD)sim ulation,butalso includes the use ofidenticalinitialparton-distribution functionsandnalfragm entation functions.W eare,thus,in a uniqueposition,notonly to isolate fundam entaldierencesbetween the variousapproaches,but also to m akerigorouscalculationsfordierentexperim entalm easurem entsusing \state oftheart com ponents. Allthree approaches are reduced to a version which contains only one free tunable param eter,thisisthen related to thewellknown transportparam eter ^.W end thattheparam e- tersofallthreecalculationscan beadjusted to providea good description ofinclusivedata on RA A versustransversem om entum .However,we do observeslightdierencesin theirpredictionsforthe centrality and azim uthalangular dependence of RA A vs. pT. W e also note that the value ofthe transportcoecient ^ in thethree approachesto describe the data dierssignicantly.
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