C Ausalviscous Hydrodynam Ics in 2+ 1 Dim Ensions for Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

Huichao Song,Ulrich Heinz,Physics Departm
Abstract:I. IN T R O D U C T IO N Hydrodynam icsisan ecienttoolto describe the ex- pansion ofthereballsgenerated in relativisticheavy-ion collisions. As a m acroscopic description that provides the 4-dim ensionalspace-tim e evolution of the energy- m om entum tensor T �� (x)itism uch lessdem andingthan m icroscopic descriptions based on kinetic theory that evolve the (on-shell) distribution function f(x;p) in 7- dim ensionalphase-space. Ideal uid dynam icsiseven m ore ecientsince itre- duces the num ber ofindependentelds needed to de- scribe the sym m etric energy-m om entum tensorfrom 10 to 5: the localenergy density e(x),pressure p(x) and the norm alized ow 4-velocity u � (x)(which has3 inde- pendentcom ponents).Theequation ofstate(EOS) p(e) providesa furtherconstraintwhich closesthesetoffour equations @�T �� (x)= 0. Ideal uid dynam ics is based on the strong assum p- tion that the uid is in localtherm alequilibrium and evolves isentropically. W hile localm om entum isotropy in the com oving fram e is sucientfora unique decom - position oftheenergy-m om entum tensorin term sof e, p and u � ,it does notin generalguarantee a unique rela- tionship p(e). Generically,the equation ofstate p(e)(a key ingredientforclosing thesetofhydrodynam icequa- tions)becom esunique only afterentropy m axim ization, i.e. after a locally therm alized state,with M axwellian (or Bose-Einstein and Ferm i-Dirac) m om entum distri- butions in the com oving fram e,has been reached. For
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